What a holiday today, October 22

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Yakiv Drovopilets: A Day of Celebration, Love, and Caution in Ukraine

Welcome to October 22nd, ladies and gentlemen, where the leaves are falling, and so are the men preparing for winter. Yes, it’s Yakiv Drovopilets, or as I like to call it, Women’s Name Day—a day where women can put their feet up while men rush around like headless chickens! Oh, how the tables have turned!

What’s this Holiday All About?

On this fine day, our ancestors were smart enough to use the chilly weather as an excuse to get ahead with their winter preparations, while women were granted a well-deserved break from the dreariness of hard labor. Needlework, chatting with friends, and cooking were on the agenda. If only my friends could knit as well as they can chat! I’d have a wardrobe full of winter gear by now!

As for the men, they were stuck inspecting roofs and gathering firewood. I mean, truly romantic, isn’t it? Nothing says “I love you” like a load of firewood! It’s basically the Ukrainian equivalent of bringing home flowers—only these ones don’t die in a week.

A Day for Weddings and Love Affairs

Now, October is a popular month for weddings in Kyiv Rus’, and if that doesn’t sound like the most joyful gathering of a village, I don’t know what does! With less work to be done, people took the opportunity to celebrate love. “Roses are red, violets are blue, can we skip to the reception, cause I’ve got a few!”

And don’t get me started on the culinary aspects of this holiday! Apparently, today is a “good cooking day”—so get those aprons on, folks! They say every dish will turn out tasting fantastic. If only we could cook with that same confidence in relationships, eh? I mean, how hard can it be to perfect a soufflé as well as I’ve perfected the art of staying single?

What Not to Do on October 22

Now, before you all dash off to find a partner or bake a pie, take heed of what you should avoid!

  • Sharing nightmares will apparently make them come true. Great, because we all wanted to turn our worst dreams into fantastic realities!
  • And for heaven’s sake, keep your voice down with the kids today! Shouting at them is a surefire way to make everyone miserable. You’ll end up with that “family dinner from hell” vibe—no one wants that!
  • If you’re contemplating big changes today, like moving or starting a new job, my advice is: just don’t. It’s like trying to go skydiving without a parachute—things might not end well.

Born on this Day?

People born on October 22nd fall under the sign of Libra. Typically, they are seen as the life of the party—positive, sociable, and perhaps a little too stubborn for their own good! It’s like they have a built-in GPS for giving advice but forget to plug in “correctness.” Oh, the joys of having a friend who *thinks* they know it all—bring on the melodrama!

So, What’s the Bottom Line?

Yakiv Drovopilets is not just a name; it’s a celebration of women, autumn, and a reminder to handle the day with a bit of care. Share the love, put in the cooking, but leave the winter preparations to those men running around with their wood piles! This day serves as a reminder: what goes around, comes around—especially when it comes to marital bliss!

So whether you’re preparing for a wedding, weighing up your new culinary skills, or avoiding any mention of your latest nightmares, here’s to taking October 22nd by storm—in a fabulously cheeky and warm manner!

And remember, if you see someone struggling with their firewood, hand them a casserole—they’ll thank you for it!

The national holiday on October 22 is known as Yakiv Drovopilets, Women’s Name Day.

What a holiday in Ukraine today / UNIAN collage, photo ua.depositphotos.compixabay.com

On October 22, our ancestors prepared for winter and had a wedding. Find out what holiday Ukrainians celebrate today, what is prohibited and why the day is considered auspicious for all women.

What we celebrate on October 22 is a holiday in Ukraine

According to the new style, on the church holiday of October 22, believers celebrate Equal-to-the-Apostles Averkius of Hierapol, Martyr Alexander, Bishop Heraklius and the Kazan Icon of God. According to the old church calendar, the Apostle Yakov Alfeyev is honored today. Earlier we told which church holiday is celebrated today according to the new and old calendar.

The holiday today is considered happy for all women and girls. On this date, women were freed from hard physical work. The day was devoted to needlework, communication with friends, and cooking. Today, women can pray to the Mother of God for well-being and family happiness.

On this day, men were preparing for winter. For this, roofs, fences and agricultural premises were inspected and, if necessary, repaired. They were also engaged in gathering and transporting firewood. In the houses, they cleaned and heated the stove.

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According to signs, the holiday of October 22 is suitable for love affairs. In Kyiv Rus’, the wedding season continued in October. There was no more work on the site, and people had more free time for entertainment. Weddings were often celebrated by the whole village.

Also, today’s date is considered good for cooking. Any dishes will turn out tasty and especially useful, and preparations for the winter will not spoil.

What a holiday Ukrainians celebrate on October 22 / photo UNIAN

Who was born on October 22 – a sign of the Zodiac

A person born today has the zodiac sign of Libra. Birthday people on October 22 are positive, sociable, active. They are stubborn and hardly admit their mistakes. They like to give advice to loved ones and feel their importance. They have unconventional thinking and a rebellious nature.

What not to do on October 22

Do not tell anyone about nightmares, otherwise the dream will come true.

You can’t quarrel with children today, shout at them and call them names, compare them with others in a worse way. All this will lead to deterioration of the relationship with the child.

Unlucky day for beginnings, moving, employment, important matters.

You should not mention old grievances and troubles, otherwise the problems will return.

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