what a church holiday, what can’t be done

Today, March 27, the memory of Saint Matrona is commemorated.

What kind of church holiday is it today?

March 27 in the church calendar is the day of memory of Saint Matrona. She was a slave in a pagan place, which required the girl to renounce her faith in Christ. Matron endured any suffering steadfastly and only prayed to God. Once the mistress found out that her slave had secretly gone to church. After that, she tortured her for three days, prevented her from eating and drinking. So the girl died. Her body was found and buried by other Christians.

What not to do on March 27

You should not clarify the relationship, if you quarrel today, then you will not make up.

Even if you are very offended by a person, try to hide your offense.

You can’t slander and be jealous.

Folk signs and traditions for March 27

Among our ancestors there were many interesting omens for this day:

  • they looked at what day it is today: the seagulls are screaming in the evening – the weather will be clear the next day;
  • fog and frost in the morning indicate a harvest year;
  • birds are circling high – there will be rains soon;
  • roosters don’t crow – wait for the cold weather.

There is an opinion that Saint Matrona is the protector of diligent and decent housewives. Before starting household chores, women went to church, lit a candle and prayed to it.

Name day: how to name a child born on March 27

What are the names today: Manuel, Methodius, Feodosius, Oleksandr, Ivan, Kindrat, Matrona.

The talisman of a person born on March 27 is a hawk’s eye. It is quite rare, although it does not belong to natural precious gems. It has long been believed that the hawk’s eye is an excellent helper for ambitious people.

What a day today is in Ukraine and the world

On March 27, Ukraine and the world celebrate Nephrologist’s Day. Professional holiday of doctors specializing in kidney treatment. They help diagnose the problem and then treat it or, if that is not possible, take care of the most comfortable life possible.

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Also, March 27 is International Theater Day. A creative holiday, which is also considered professional for theater workers. The event was started by Frenchman Jean Cocteau in 1961. He did not choose the date by chance. It was on this day that the first theatrical performance took place in ancient Rome. Although the probability of this event is not confirmed historically.

And March 27 is celebrated as International Whiskey Day. The holiday was started in 2009 as an unofficial holiday, but it has become very popular in different countries of the world. The date was chosen in honor of the birthday of Michael James Jackson, who developed a scale for assessing the quality of whiskey, the concept of its tasting and wrote many works about this drink.

March 27 is International Doodle Day. A day dedicated to the joy of spontaneous drawing or writing. He encourages people of all ages to hear their inner child and give free rein to their imagination by creating whimsical doodles on paper.

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