WFM solutions energize the healthcare sector

Health facilities provide essential medical services for health care. Hospitals and clinics offer treatment for illnesses, prevention and diagnosis of health conditions, as well as surgery and therapy. In addition, they are recognized for assisting patients throughout the entire treatment process and play a prominent role in society as they provide affordable services that can help improve citizens’ health.

What many people don’t understand is that a health unit requires dozens, hundreds and sometimes thousands of employees for the health care to run as planned – which usually poses a challenge for HR (Human Resources) departments. And it is at this point that a WFM (Workforce Management) tool can be an alternative for companies in this sector.

For Karine Vilan, SISQUAL® WFM implementation analyst, the main advantage of using a WFM tool in the health sector is that the system itself shows, in a clear and objective way, the amount of expected working hours through comparison with the scale created by the manager. This action allows for egalitarian and fair planning, both for employees and for the hospital.

“In this way, it is possible to ensure better management of teams and their schedules, but also of the respective service levels, through the automatic generation of alerts in order not to compromise hospital activity as a whole”, he explains.

Vilan points out that the health sector is dynamic, which is why workforce management tools are an alternative for operational managers or supervisors, as they facilitate the management of shifts – resulting in a clear view of the number of employees available per shift .

“Through easy, quick and updated access to the balance of hours, it is possible to plan ahead for future operations”, he says.

How to implement a WFM solution?

The implementation analyst explains that running a workforce management software requires collecting data and gathering information so that the platform can identify points for improvement.

“After configuring the system to receive employees, the team that will use the tool must undergo training. The process usually involves HR, IT (Information Technology) and assistance employees who, in turn, can act as information multipliers for the other managers”, he explains.

Raphael Gonçalves, project manager responsible for the SISQUAL® WFM teams in Bahia and São Paulo, explains that, in a next phase, the system is used by a pilot sector that will be responsible for identifying necessary adjustments before the system goes into operation. production.

“Later, and following guaranteeing the integrity of the data, the entire hospital must go into production, with this action always being monitored by the HR teams”, he says.

According to the project manager, the company responsible for the WFM tool must monitor the client following the system is implemented. “It is necessary to monitor at least two payrolls in order to verify the information. In addition, the company must always make itself available to answer questions from customers and make possible adjustments”.

After this implementation phase, he continues, the customer can move on to the support phase, in which a communication flow is determined in order to respond to service requests.

For Raphael Gonçalves, a WFM company must support institutions by enhancing the management of HR teams and improving the quality of life both from the point of view of the employer and the employee. “The health sector has proven to be a winning bet in the implementation of the WFM management tool, allowing to safeguard not only the operability of health care, but also patient safety”, concludes the project manager of SISQUAL® WFM in Brazil.

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