Wet week ahead in southern Norway – danger warning for torrential rain

Wet week ahead in southern Norway – danger warning for torrential rain

Meteorologist on duty Iselin Skjervagen says that during Monday evening a new precipitation field will appear over southern Norway.

– Tomorrow it will be wet at one point or another all over southern Norway, she says to NTB.

On Twitter, Meteorologists quote Sigbjørn Obstfelder’s poem “Rain” when describing the weather this week: “We jump in water, we roll in sand. Sic, sic – we’re dripping from the roof”.

Danger warning

In some places in Eastern Norway and Southern Norway, the showers can also be quite powerful, says Skjervagen.

– Danger warnings have been assessed in some places for this here on Tuesday evening and overnight into Wednesday. There is also a risk of lightning and thunder in these areas.

A yellow warning has been issued for torrential rain on Tuesday evening and overnight into Wednesday in an area from south of Skien to Lillehammer.

On Wednesday evening and night to Thursday, there will also be quite heavy showers in southern Norway.

– It seems to be worst in Eastern Norway. There you can follow what happens next.

Could be a “summer weekend” in Oslo

Towards the weekend it is more uncertain. The meteorologists’ models say slightly different things, Skjervagen explains.

– The one I’m looking at is quite wet. While Yr’s model is more positive, with 24 degrees and sun in Oslo at the weekend. We can hope for that. I have the most faith in that, she says.

In Kristiansand, it doesn’t look so good this weekend, according to the meteorologist.

– Whereas in Bergen it looks quite nice.

#Wet #week #ahead #southern #Norway #danger #warning #torrential #rain
2024-09-02 10:11:08



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