West Nile virus: First patient death in Greece – 2024-07-27 05:49:58

One death of a patient with West Nile virus infection over the age of 73 was recorded in the Weekly Epidemiological Surveillance Report of the infection, published by EODY on July 24, 2024.

Specifically, it is reported that from the beginning of the 2024 period, until 24/07/2024 (13.00), a total of sixteen (16) domestic cases of West Nile virus infection have been diagnosed and investigated in Greece, of which fourteen (14) ) cases presented with CNS manifestations (CNS, encephalitis and/or meningitis and/or acute flaccid paralysis) and two (2) cases had mild/no CNS manifestations (Table 1).

During the last week, nine (9) new domestic cases were diagnosed and reported. An imported case of the infection in a patient exposed in another foreign country has also been recorded (not included in the further analysis). One (1) death of a patient with virus infection and CNS manifestations, aged over 73 years, has been recorded.

It is worth noting that, according to the results of a seroepidemiological study conducted in 2010, for every one (1) case of West Nile virus infection with CNS involvement, there are approximately 140 people infected with the virus (with mild symptoms or asymptomatic).

EODY had already informed (in May 2024) the health professionals nationwide about the need for their vigilance for the early diagnosis of cases, as well as the public, about the expected recurrence of cases in the country during the current period of circulation of mosquitoes and the recommended protection measures .

In the period 2024, until 24/07/2024 (13.00), cases of West Nile virus infection have been recorded and investigated in Greece, in settlements in the Regional Units of Larissa, Lefkada, Halkidiki, Pella, Serres and in the Metropolitan Unit of Thessaloniki . It is considered possible and expected that further cases will be diagnosed in the coming period.

Epidemiological surveillance of the disease, the timely implementation of appropriate integrated mosquito control programs and the adoption of personal protection measures against mosquitoes are the most appropriate measures to control the disease. In this context, the vigilance of health professionals and the continued vigilance of local and national authorities are deemed necessary on the one hand.

The EODY carries out enhanced epidemiological surveillance of the disease, immediately investigates the incidents, and is in constant communication and cooperation with the competent national, regional and local authorities, with the aim of the timely implementation of targeted response and prevention measures.

As the epidemiology of the virus is determined by many factors, the areas of circulation of the virus and the likely areas of recorded cases in each transmission season cannot be predicted with certainty. Therefore, EODY recommends the observance of individual protection measures against mosquitoes, throughout the territory, throughout the period of circulation of mosquitoes. More information on West Nile virus and mosquito protection measures can be found on the EODY website.

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