We’re simply earlier than the “crimson” alert, he declares concerning the fires – 2024-06-22 09:16:13

The authorities are on the “foot” because of the tough climate situations that favor the prevalence of fires. Because the Minister of Civil Safety Vassilis Kikilias characteristically stated: “We’re simply earlier than the crimson alert. We’re in orange”…

Chatting with ANT1 on Tuesday night time, Vassilis Kikilias stated concerning the fires: “Now we have all scattered hearth brigades, volunteers, the Police, military patrols. Are the situations insurmountably tough and what do I promise? Battle, battle and battle.”

The truth is, Vassilis Kikilias revealed that the brand new technological methods used this yr to forestall fires in Attica will quickly be prolonged to your entire nation.

“We should always all train due care. We are actually utilizing the know-how with a lease of over 1 million euros, we now have 25 drones with 24-hour operations facilities within the three mountainous areas of Attica… Very quickly it will likely be expanded all through Greece”.

Additionally, Vassilis Kikilias emphasised that “147,000 of our fellow residents have already cleaned their plots” including that “there are additionally some who’re negligent and do not care. I inform you that the regulation is right here with its fines.”

#crimson #alert #declares #fires

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