Wellness: Know the benefits of meditating as a couple | IMP | FAMILY

Every relationship goes through critical moments.: the appearance of stress, discouragement, lack of understanding, disagreements and misunderstandings. Do not let this situation weaken the love you have for each other, on the contrary, find a way to overcome these adversities together. An excellent idea, more so now that we live the Holy Weekis the meditation in couple.

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Psychologist and psychotherapist Walter Hinojosa points out that meditation helps reduce stress and anxiety, reinforces emotional stability and maintains physical and mental balance. “These benefits are enhanced when you meditate with your loved one. In addition, it makes the couple be in the same frequency, strengthens the pillars of the relationship, such as respect and trust, and motivates them to fight for their personal and joint goals “indicates the specialist.

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♦ Set the space where you will meditate, you can place aromatic candles or incense. Don’t forget to play soft and instrumental music (search YouTube or Spotify).

♦Now sit down and keep eye contact for a minute, this makes you express everything you don’t dare to say in words. Then close your eyes and stay like that for a few minutes. Clear your mind and relax.

♦Also add breathing exercises, inhale through the nose for a few seconds and then exhale slowly through the mouth until all the air is expelled.


Meditation also makes you face your fears, guilt and traumatic processes experienced at different stages of your life.


How does mistrust affect the couple’s relationship?

Not only will it affect the relationship with your loved one, it can also cause lack of concentration, sadness, insomnia, anxiety and muscle pain. Constant dialogue is essential to avoid this type of problem.

Mistrust can also appear due to a bad past experience or an overprotective upbringing in childhood. Photo: iStock.

Trust is one of the pillars in a healthy relationship, but what happens when it is lost or breaks little by little? For Alexandra Sabal, psychologist at the Ricardo Palma Clinic, this situation seriously affects the person who mistrusts, and wears him down physically and emotionally.

“Apart from affecting interaction with your partner, it also makes you lose concentration at work; have insomnia, sadness, anxiety, depression and muscle pain, and be hyperattentive to the gestures, looks or behavior of the other. It is advisable to identify what is happening in the relationship and see solutions”indicates the specialist.


Mistrust can appear due to a bad past experience, an overprotective upbringing in childhood (if the partner does not overprotect us, it is because they do not love us), an idealized love or the strange behavior of your loved one (a lot of time on WhatsApp, he doesn’t tell you who he’s dating, he hides things from you).


♦Use another pillar of the relationship: communication. Explain what you feel and listen to what he or she tells you. Don’t get excited or raise your voice.

♦Identify the behavior that generates mistrust and tell your partner, perhaps he does not know that it hurts you.

♦They can attend couples therapy.


If following looking for solutions and putting them into practice, there are no changes in your relationship, evaluate and decide. Your physical and mental health is important, don’t forget it!


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