– Well, now I also have to refuse vacation? Don’t you think it’s selfish?

My husband went on vacation, and I called my sister, who helps me collect the rest of his things. Here he will come, carefully put them in a suitcase and go to his mother and brother. And somehow I will continue to hobble myself without his help.

The story began a long time ago, but reached its climax three days ago, when my husband sighed over my broken leg, knowing that I was in pain and very difficult to move around, went on vacation, which we planned for two.

Moreover, my husband accused me of selfishness when I asked if he wanted to take care of me, since the vacation was covered. I am selfish, because I wanted to spoil my husband’s vacation, and he deserved it.

The first bells were still during the honeymoon. Then I got poisoned by something, lay flat in my room for three days, I felt bad, I was thirsty, but I was so weak that I myself might not walk.

The husband at that time went to the beach, because it was paid. And “why am I going to sit next to you if I can’t help anyway.” So my precious husband then told me.

True, when I threw a tantrum with tears and snot, he seemed to understand his mistake and the rest of the vacation went fine. But how did I overlook such a significant call?

Okay, when I got sick with scarlet fever, he moved out to my mom. I can still understand this, he didn’t hurt her, so I had to be safe. But the fact that he dumped to my mother when I had the flu or a cold, it was already annoying.

– Why should I sit next to you and breathe bacilli? Do you want us both to go on sick leave? And who will feed us? – My husband asked indignantly when I asked him to be with me, and not to go to my mother.

And yet I found his words reasonable. The truth is, why hurt together, let someone work alone. Although you really want someone to take care of you when you have the flu.

But my sister took care of me. She came to me in scarlet fever, and during colds and flu brought medicines, fruits, prepared soups for me and made sure that I did not forget to take my pills.

And the husband during the illness might not even call. And for this, by the way, he also had an excuse – what if I just fell asleep, and then he wakes me up, and then I won’t be able to sleep. I believed this excuse, I also thought that my husband was caring.

My sister called my husband an eccentric with the letter m, said that all these words of his are just excuses to do nothing. But then I was blindly in love and believed that my husband was doing all this only for my good.

“Ah, my son was so worried regarding you, while you were sick, he mightn’t find a place for himself,” my mother-in-law echoed my thoughts. – I thought he would get sick from the experience.

I melted, and my sister twisted her finger at her temple, like, do you believe them? Now I already look at the situation from a different angle, so I understand what my sister thought of me. I myself think so of myself, since three years I took all this for granted.

Gradually my eyes opened. My husband was so indifferent to my health. If he fell ill, then around him it was necessary to jump around the clock. He might call me at work and complain that he was hungry, although there was food in the refrigerator.

Or when his mother got sick. There he immediately picked up and went to her, to fulfill his filial duty. Medicines, fruits, touching sitting next to her bed while I cooked soup. He didn’t sit next to me.

The last straw was his departure for vacation a week ago. We were going there together, but five days before the trip, a scooter crashed into me, so I earned a back bruise and a broken leg. Unpleasant aching fracture of the leg.

My husband took me to the hospital, heard the doctor’s verdict and became gloomy. I thought he was grieving that the vacation was covered with a copper basin, but I was mistaken. The husband, as he was going on vacation, continued to do so.

I was indignant that, in fact, I would be lying at home alone with a fracture, I wouldn’t go to the store, or even help take a bath. But my husband looked at me with surprised eyes.

– Well, now I also have to give up vacation? Don’t you think it’s selfish of you?

And then he said that now everything can be ordered by delivery, you don’t even need to go to the store. And if you need any other help, I can always call my sister.

My husband is already on holiday. He is tired at work, he needs a change of scenery. Yes, it’s a pity that I won’t be able to go, but he will take his mother with him so as not to disappear at the hotel.

Apparently, the news regarding my mother was supposed to console me, I don’t know. But somehow I was not consoled, but I realized that I was tired of living with an egoist. Let him rest with his mother, and upon arrival he will pick up his things and generally move in with her. Why do I need a husband who does not help, does not support and abandons in such difficult situations?

In the section “Opinion of readers” materials from readers are published.



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