Well-being. Mental health of athletes: one in five young people suffering

Swimmer Michael Phelps or gymnast Simone Biles. For several years, many top athletes have been warning about an often neglected aspect of competition: mental health athletes.

Between the stress of preparation, competition and results that sometimes do not match expectations, many feel a real sense of unease.

A situation illustrated by a survey published on Tuesday September 17 and relating to the mental health of young French high-level athletes.

Led by Harris Interactive in partnership with the FondaMental Foundation, the Ministry of Sports and INSEP, this work was conducted with 1,885 high-level athletes aged 16 to 25.

It reveals that approximately one in five young athletes expresses discomfort. Specifically, 17% of participants are at risk for moderate to severe depression, 24% for generalized anxiety disorders, and 44% for sleep disorders.

These figures are all the more worrying as young athletes are subject to additional pressures linked to their careers, such as the stress of competition and media attention.

Dare to speak

Despite these difficulties, the study shows a growing awareness among the new generation of athletes. An open-mindedness that contrasts with the old “spirit of sacrifice” that often pushed athletes to keep quiet about their psychological problems.

Unfortunately, this is still not enough. Among young athletes showing signs of anxiety disorders or depression, only a third report having consulted a psychiatrist or psychologist in the last 12 months.

“These results highlight the need to strengthen and complement existing systems to encourage athletes to consult a specialist health professional when they feel the need,” conclude the authors.



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