Welcome to MARCHintosh! – MacMagazine

Guest Author

Marcos Daniel Vozer Felisberto

Materials scientist, specialist in nanotechnology with a focus on graphene. In love with Apple since 2006, when he bought an iBook G3 Bondi Blue. He uses a 2010 Intel iMac daily, but he really likes his collection of PowerPC Macs.

March it’s the best month of the year for us Mac users, and I can prove it! ????

The pandemic has trapped us at home. Isolated from face-to-face contact with people outside our family groups, we had to look for new options for entertainment and contact with friends and family. And, as it mightn’t be otherwise, the internet was our greatest ally. Video calls became popular, lives exploded and became a phenomenon, streaming of games and movies broke records. Attempts to somehow connect isolated people individually.

Among these new forms of entertainment, content creators in the area of ​​retrocomputing with channels dedicated to old hardware and software have become popular (mainly on YouTube). A union between the lack we were feeling during the height of the pandemic with the nostalgia we all feel at some point in life.

Special events have emerged, such as DOScember (with the month of December dedicated to DOS) and SEPtandy (where September is dedicated to Tandy). The Mac enthusiast community might not stay behind and in 2021 the MARCHintoshdedicating the month of March to creating content celebrating the Mac.

While events like DOScember and SEPtandy generated a few hundred videos on YouTube, #MARCHintosh alone produced over 1,500 videos. It seems little, but it is not! We’re talking regarding a small portion of the Mac user community that likes retrocomputing and old Macs and is willing to create content!

How to participate in #MARCHintosh?

Simply produce some content and use the hashtag #MARCHintosh. Your content must necessarily be related to “classic” Macs, 68k processors, PowerPC or early Intel (2006/2007). Remember: the idea is to be a backcomputing event!

Did you decide to take that old “private” iBook out of the drawer that you didn’t even remember you had? Great, take a picture and post it on Twitter! Want to show you what it was like to lay out a magazine using some early version of Illustrator running on Mac OS 9 on a Power Mac G3? Awesome, make a video for YouTube! Do you want to share some of your experiences with a classic Mac, any fond memories that bring you good memories? Make a post on Facebook! Anyway, create whatever you want to create, just don’t forget to use and abuse the hashtag #MARCHintosh!

You can also (and should!) use the art that is available on the event’s official website. There are some guidelines regarding what no to do, and the main one is not creating content regarding modern Macs or iOS. It’s not an event regarding iPhone or iPad, or Macs with M1/M2 chips, etc. You can take a look at the event rules.

No one is telling you to get rid of your Mac with Apple Silicon. Nobody is saying that PowerPC is better than Intel. No one is claiming that you can replace your 2014 Mac mini with a liquid-cooled Power Mac G5. The idea of ​​the event is not to argue that old Macs are better than modern ones, that Apple no longer makes products like they used to, etc. That’s not it! Very calm at this time! The idea is to have fun, feed nostalgia, learn new things regarding old Macs. ????

At last year’s event I created some content, like this video repairing a 12-inch PowerBook G4. For this year, we have more brazucas involved and we are planning some activities. For sure, at least some online play of Quake III or Unreal Tournament on PowerPC Macs will happen! Just do a search for MARCHintosh right here on the MM Forum.

In summary: HAVE A GOOD TIME! Make old Mac enthusiast friends! Share experiences! Consume content created by peers around the world. It has a lot of cool and fun stuff.

Welcome to the best month of the year! Welcome to #MARCHintosh!



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