Welcome MPN to the front Neuquinizate

2023-10-15 03:29:00

Mayor Mariano Gaido launched the main political definition of the week and, probably, of the coming years, like someone who doesn’t want the thing. When passing Yes, I will accompany the re-election of Rolando Figueroa in 2027, he reaffirmed in front of the disbelievers.

The most important reference that the Neuquén Popular Movement has today, orphaned of leaders following the historic defeat of April 16 at the hands of Rolando Figueroa, He diluted any expectations that would place him as an adversary of the elected governor in the next four years. What’s more, not only will he not be an adversary but he will be a bishop.

Gaido’s attitude is not too far from that taken by other mayors of the province, practically everyone in reality, but he has an impact because he is precisely the leader of the capital. It is the city with the most resources and the least dependence on the government in power. Translated: a “collaborative” attitude is to be expected from mayors who depend on money outside of co-participation to pay salaries, but not necessarily from those who have the independence for their municipality to function on its own.

Gaido’s statements this week surprised practically everyone, although his decision to support Figueroa was already known in his closest circle. What’s more, they claim that she was cooked in the meeting that they both shared in Miami, United States, when they crossed paths on the tours that each had organized on their own.

The official information regarding that meeting had been the meeting itself and the meetings that both shared with businessmen and investment funds. What the statement did not report was that the mayor whitewashed in that meeting his resignation from presenting a candidacy for governor in 2027. and the request so that, in exchange, it can have free rein to build its successor in the municipality.

In the April elections, Gaido hoped to obtain his second term with more than 50% of the votes and be the architect of Marcos Koopmann’s victory in the province. With these two elements, he assured himself a candidacy for 2027 almost without discussions. However, neither of the two assumptions were given to him and he quickly understood that a Figueroa era was beginning that would hardly be limited to four years.

Until then, more or less everyone in the world of the mayor and the elected governor was aware of the reciprocal agreement, but not that Gaido would come out so early to announce it.

“I didn’t understand it and it doesn’t seem to me that he should be the one to come out and propose a re-election,” assessed a leader of the Figueroa front, who read a certain removal of protagonism on the part of the mayor towards the elected governor himself or his militants.

Another reference in the space considered that there was Gaido “a defensive attitude” and an attempt to ensure in Neuquén an alliance of coexistence similar to the one woven by the oil workers in Rincón de los Sauces or, on a very smaller scale, the leadership of the MPN in Las Ovejas.

In secret, several opponents allowed themselves to doubt whether Gaido did not also seek to prevent his name from ending up linked to the scam with social plans of the Ministry of Social Development that he conducted between 2016 and 2019 (although that does not depend on Figueroa, does it? ?).

For now, the consequences of the definition left the MPN, especially, in an uncomfortable position. Three possible conclusions emerge from his statements: the party will not have a candidate in 2027, it will have its own candidate but Gaido will not support him, or will be part of the assembly that will lead Figueroa to re-election. Welcome MPN to the Neuquinizate front? If the governor insists on not returning to the party and maintaining, instead, his multifaceted organization, the MPN would then have to integrate a collecting list to support your application.

The hypotheses are all ridiculously premature in a context where national uncertainty prevents any common citizen from thinking regarding the future beyond December.

#MPN #front #Neuquinizate



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