Welcome: doctors received Ernst’s wife with bottles

2023-04-28 17:25:20

Lyudmila Fokanova

20 minutes ago

Sofia Ernst

Sofya Ernst is a successful actress and a loving wife and mother. She gave birth to her husband, the general director of Channel One, three children. However, such an excellent reputation does not mean at all that the artist cannot surprise the public.

A star mother of many children actively maintains a personal microblog in which she shares news from her creative and personal life. This time, a curious video appeared in her account. The fact is that April 28 is celebrated in Russia as the Day of Emergency Medical Workers.

The wife of Konstantin Ernst did not ignore the important date. She admitted that only yesterday she was thinking about documentaries about people in this profession. “I started looking for information, I saw that tomorrow is their professional holiday. I love such coincidences,” wrote the celebrity.

The theater and film star prepared a surprise for the ambulance workers: she came to them with flowers and champagne. The video shows how cordially the doctors received Sophia Ernst with bottles and bouquets.

“I took tulips and stopped by on the way to congratulate our doctors. It was very touching! And I congratulate you on this important day! These people are heroes in real everyday life,” said Ernst’s wife.

Subscribers supported the actress in her good heartfelt impulse. “Sonechka, you are great and smart”, “What a fine fellow you are. This is very important, ”followers approved the act of the star blonde.

Earlier, Konstantin Ernst boasted of his beautiful wife at a social event. The couple attended the long-awaited premiere of the tape “Challenge”, which took place on April 12 at the capital’s cinema “October”.

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