Weight loss prevents the predisposition to suffer from atrial fibrillation, emphasizes Dr. Orraca

The goal of the specialist is that the medications are added to a lifestyle that reduces the risks.

Dr. Antonio Orraca, member of the board of directors of the Puerto Rican Society of Cardiology. Photo: Provided by the Puerto Rican Society of Cardiology to the Journal of Medicine and Public Health.

The Dr. Antonio Orraca, member of the board of directors Puerto Rican Society of Cardiologyspoke exclusively with the Journal of Medicine and Public Health at ExpoSalud, with the aim of educating regarding the atrial fibrillation.

What is indicated by the specialist is that one of the populations at greatest risk are those patients who have high blood pressure, therefore the recommendation for them is focused on having healthy lifestyles and improving eating habits.

“As we get older, our heart changes structurally, and blood pressure index. For this reason, we always recommend patients to take their pressure, and communicate it with their doctor. The most that has an effect on pressure is weight,” he said.

For that reason, he remembered that the atrial fibrillation It is one of the most common cardiac arrhythmias, including any factor that stimulates or affects the heart, either acutely or chronically, can cause irritation of the organ and cause this arrhythmia.

“That’s why I tell my patients to take care of their diet, because to the extent that they improve their habits, we can reduce the risks and advance the condition,” he commented.

He added that among the most frequent risk factors, age is the one that should be taken into account, but it is uncontrollable. On the other hand, the risk factors that we can control are hypertension, smoking, and untreated sleep apnea.

“Symptoms are not visible in all patients, but many feel a racing heart, chest pain, dizziness and loss of consciousness,” he explained.

The classification of arrhythmias is divided, as indicated by the specialist, into:

*Supraventricular tachycardias As the name suggests, they are arrhythmias with a heart rate greater than 100 bpm that originate in the atria or in the atrioventricular node. They differ from atrial extrasystoles in that they are sustained rather than isolated beats.

* Ventricular tachyarrhythmias are those that originate in the ventricles. They are more frequent in patients with heart disease and, in general, more dangerous than supraventricular ones.

Diagnostic process and treatments:

“Once the condition is identified, the treatments are becoming more extensive, and we believe that in the future there will be more thanks to advances. Outside of medications, we must also talk regarding anticoagulants, which can be released causing risks to patients, ”she said.

I specify that at the moment of determining the treatments, several individualized factors intervene in each patient.

Dr. Orraca highlighted that Puerto Rico has first-class specialists who are in charge of this process called ablation, which is usually carried out with thin and flexible probes, called catheters, which are inserted through the veins or arteries to the heart. .

“We always look for a way for the patient to have the most normal life possible.” On the other hand, he stressed that the career in health care is not only for specialists, but that the patient must commit to improving his lifestyle.

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