Weight loss battle︱253-pound fat girl doesn’t like running and doesn’t diet. She can easily lose 105 pounds with just one exercise method – Qingbao – Health – Healthy Life

You can easily lose weight without dieting or strenuous running! A 20-year-old British woman once weighed 253 pounds and was classified as obese. Disliking running, she attempted various weight loss strategies but encountered failure until she discovered an effective exercise method that led her to succeed in one year. She managed to lose weight down to 147 pounds! This impressive transformation did not involve dieting or rigorous exercise, earning her acclaim from netizens.

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As reported by foreign media, Millie Slater, a 20-year-old British woman, struggled with obesity, initially weighing 253 pounds. Traditional weight loss techniques, such as running, were challenging for her, which prompted her to explore different methods, albeit unsuccessfully.

Recently, Millie shared a video showcasing her weight loss journey on social media, sparking significant interest among netizens. She lost approximately 48 kilograms (around 106 pounds) within one year, reducing her weight from 253 pounds to 147 pounds, resulting in her body size nearly halving! Millie generously shared her weight-loss secret and explained that the key to her success was “brisk walking on an incline” at the gym.

Millie began her gym journey in 2023. Alongside meticulously tracking her calorie and protein intake, she also engaged in exercise. Her preferred workouts included heavy training and brisk walking, enabling her to successfully lose weight in just a year.

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“12-3-30” Treadmill Exercise Method

Millie mentioned that running had been quite difficult for her in the past due to her weight. However, she later discovered her enjoyment of brisk walking and incorporated it into her routine. She adopted the “12-3-30” treadmill workout method created by fitness influencer Lauren Giraldo, which involves brisk walking with the following settings:

Set the treadmill incline to 12%, speed to 3 miles per hour, and maintain this for 30 minutes.

While adhering to this exercise regimen, she never engaged in running, yet she successfully lost weight, which boosted her happiness and self-confidence. Millie openly stated that the incline walking training transformed both her body and mind, saying, “I like myself this way; it makes me feel more confident.”

According to a study published in the Chinese Journal of Sports Biomechanics, walking on an incline burns significantly more calories; for every additional 5% incline, you can burn 17% more calories, and with 10% more incline, you can burn up to 32% more calories.

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The Inspiring Weight Loss Journey of Millie Slater

You can lose weight easily without dieting or hard running! Millie Slater, a 20-year-old British woman, originally weighed 253 pounds. After experimenting with various weight-loss methods without success, she discovered a suitable exercise method, achieving success by shedding pounds to reach 147 pounds in just one year!

Understanding Millie’s Weight Loss Method

Millie struggled with traditional methods such as running, which proved difficult due to her weight. After various unsuccessful attempts, she found her stride with a gentle yet effective method of exercise, “brisk walking on an incline”. This revelation transformed her approach to fitness.

The Brisk Walking Secret: The “12-3-30” Treadmill Technique

She adopted the well-known “12-3-30” treadmill workout recommended by fitness influencer Lauren Giraldo:

  • Set the treadmill incline to 12%.
  • Maintain a speed of 3 miles per hour.
  • Walk for 30 minutes continuously.

This simple yet effective approach allowed Millie to stay active without the stress of high-impact workouts.

Diet and Exercise Balance

In addition to her workout regimen, Millie was meticulous about her diet. She tracked calories and protein intake while focusing on nutrient-rich meals. Her strategy included:

  • Keeping a food diary.
  • Consuming high-protein foods to promote muscle retention.
  • Staying hydrated and avoiding empty-calorie snacks.

Calorie Burn Insights

Millie observed not only physical changes but also psychological benefits from her routine. According to a study published in the Chinese Journal of Sports Biomechanics, walking on an incline can burn significantly more calories compared to walking on flat surfaces—up to 32% more with every 10% incline increase.

A Boost of Confidence

Millie’s dedication transformed her body and her mindset. After her weight loss journey, she expressed newfound confidence, saying, “I like myself like this, it makes me feel more confident.” Her story resonates with many as she proves that with determination and the right exercise approaches, substantial changes are achievable.

Benefits of Brisk Walking on an Incline

Here are some benefits of incorporating incline walking into your fitness regimen:

  • Low-Impact Option: Ideal for those who may find running painful or overly strenuous.
  • Effective Calorie Burning: Hills naturally increase the intensity of the workout.
  • Improves Cardiovascular Health: Walking maintains heart health while being easy to sustain.
  • Strengthens Lower Body Muscles: Works out the calves, hamstrings, and glutes.

Practical Tips for Successful Weight Loss

Millie’s success can inspire others looking to embark on their weight loss journeys. Here are some practical tips:

  • Set Realistic Goals: Focus on gradual rather than rapid weight loss.
  • Find an Activity You Enjoy: Choose exercises that you look forward to, like brisk walking.
  • Stay Consistent: Regular exercise is key—aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate activity weekly.
  • Seek Support: Friend groups or communities can provide motivation and accountability.

Final Thoughts

Millie’s weight loss journey offers proof that it is possible to achieve life-changing results without drastic diets or intense running programs. One unique method, consistent effort, and a positive mindset can lead to significant transformations.

  • Before her journey, Millie’s weight was an astonishing 253 pounds.
  • After utilizing the “12-3-30” workout, she dropped to 147 pounds.
  • Millie inspired countless others through her story shared on social media.



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