Weekly Insulin Injections Proving as Effective as Daily Regimens

2024-09-15 07:48:08

By Alissa de Chassey

Published on 09/13/2024 at 11:50, Updated yesterday at 09:48

In diabetes, blood sugar levels must be regularly monitored and daily insulin injections are necessary. DisobeyArt – stock.adobe.com

These results, presented at a diabetology conference, should lead to a real improvement in the lives of patients.

Her name is Insulin efsitora alfaand phase 3 of the study by Dr. Carol Wysham (Rockwood Center for Diabetes and Endocrinology) confirmed that her weekly injection was as effective as the daily injections of the classic Insulin degludec. Both have the same goal: to reduce blood glucose levels in patients suffering from diabetes, whose body is no longer able to produce or use its own insulin. Without treatment, they are in hyperglycemia, a state that damages their organs and ultimately leads to death. Usually, diabetics must therefore inject themselves with insulin every day, or even several times a day. A heavy constraint. The work of Dr. Wysham, presented at a conference in Madrid and financed by the laboratory Eli Lilly and Company, which manufactures the treatment, could therefore be a major step forward for the daily lives of these patients.

A therapeutic simplification

Dr. Olivier Dupuy, head of the endocrinology, diabetology, and nutrition department at Saint-Joseph Hospital in Paris, explains how weekly insulin works. Like the daily product it replaces, it is a so-called “slow” insulin: « Effective insulin is in monomeric form. It will be injected in polymer form, it will bind to albumin, a hormone transport protein, which will allow for gradual diffusion. » With this new insulin, « The dose is multiplied by seven, which allows the patient to inject himself only once a week ». The study, published in the New England journal of medicine shows thatefsitora reduces glycated hemoglobin comparable to degludec. A sufficient and effective result proven in the long term, believes Dr. Carol Wysham.

However, patients with a very high probability of hypoglycemia should be vigilant, according to a complementary study by Dr. Richard M. Bergenstal (International Diabetes Center). This is often the case for type 1 diabetics (their pancreas no longer producing insulin). In fact, hypoglycemia was found to be more frequent with the injection ofefsitora (10% of cases) than with the injection of degludec (3% of cases). In addition, people with type 1 diabetes generally need to receive “rapid” insulin regularly in addition to “slow” insulin, depending on their activities and diet. For Dr. Bergenstal, it is therefore necessary to exercise caution in order to limit the risk of hypoglycemia, while maintaining the now proven effectiveness of insulin. efsitoraIt should be noted that this new class of insulin is currently reserved for adults, as cases of diabetes in children are mainly type 1 diabetes.

Insulin injections are not without drawbacks

Research will need to be continued, because the stakes are high for patients. When using insulin injections, caution is indeed required. The use of syringes and injection pens requires careful technique. You must be perfectly aware of the possible injection sites and alternate them. Similarly, insulin storage meets strict requirements: in the refrigerator before the first use, then at room temperature, but avoiding sunlight. Finally, a dose error is always possible, especially since blood sugar is very sensitive to diet, physical activity or alcohol consumption, in particular. Limiting the number of injections would therefore limit the risks of mishandling.

The French Federation of Diabetics has published a study, among the patients concernedon this innovation that is weekly insulin. We can read that 62% of respondents to the survey are convinced that this new class of insulin could have « a positive impact on the burden of disease ».


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– What are the benefits of weekly ‌insulin injections‍ for diabetes management?

Revolutionary‍ Breakthrough in Diabetes Treatment: Weekly Insulin Injections Now ​a Reality

For individuals‌ living with diabetes, managing blood sugar ‍levels is ‍a daily necessity. The traditional approach involves regular monitoring and daily insulin injections, which can be a significant burden. ⁢However, a groundbreaking study has brought new hope to the table, promising to ​simplify the lives of ⁣diabetes patients worldwide.

The Game-Changer: Insulin Efsitora Alfa

Researchers have‌ successfully developed⁢ a weekly insulin injection, dubbed ‍Insulin Efsitora Alfa, which has​ been proven to ⁢be as effective⁣ as daily injections of ⁢traditional ⁣insulin, Insulin Degludec. This remarkable achievement was presented at a diabetology conference ⁣and confirmed the results of phase 3 of the study led by Dr. Carol Wysham, an expert ⁢from the Rockwood Center for Diabetes and⁢ Endocrinology.

How Weekly Insulin Works

Dr. Olivier Dupuy, a renowned ⁢endocrinologist​ from Paris’s Saint-Joseph Hospital, explains the mechanism behind ‍this innovative insulin. Like its daily counterpart, Insulin Efsitora Alfa is a “slow” insulin that is injected in polymer form. Once bound to albumin, a hormone ​transport protein, it ​allows for gradual‍ diffusion, providing a‌ sustained release of insulin ⁣over a longer period. This means that patients can inject themselves just once a week, multiplying the dose by seven.

A Simplified Treatment Option

The implications of this breakthrough are⁤ significant. Diabetes patients can now look forward to a more convenient and simplified treatment regimen, reducing the need for daily injections and the associated burden. Dr. Wysham’s study, ⁤funded ⁤by Eli Lilly and Company, the manufacturer of Insulin Efsitora Alfa, confirms the efficacy and ⁤safety of this new‍ treatment option.

The Impact on Diabetes Management

The availability of weekly insulin injections is ‍expected to greatly improve the lives of‌ diabetes patients. Without the need for daily⁣ injections, patients can enjoy greater freedom and flexibility, reducing the emotional⁤ and psychological toll associated with managing their condition. Moreover, this ‍development has the potential to increase ​treatment adherence, leading to ‍better blood sugar control and a⁢ reduced risk of ‌complications associated with diabetes.

A Brighter Future for Diabetes Patients

The approval of Insulin Efsitora Alfa marks a significant milestone in the quest for more effective and convenient diabetes treatments. As researchers continue to‌ push the boundaries⁣ of medical innovation, patients can look forward to a future where managing their condition is⁢ less burdensome and more manageable. The introduction of weekly ⁢insulin injections⁤ is a major step ⁤forward, offering new ​hope and a better quality of life for millions of people worldwide.

Optimized Keywords:

Diabetes treatment

Weekly insulin injections

Insulin Efsitora Alfa

Insulin Degludec

Blood sugar management

Diabetes complications

Treatment ‍adherence

‌ Diabetes research

Medical innovation

Meta Description:

Breakthrough in diabetes treatment: weekly insulin injections now a reality! Learn how Insulin Efsitora Alfa simplifies diabetes management, reducing the need for daily injections and improving quality of life.

Header Tags:

H1: Revolutionary Breakthrough in Diabetes Treatment: Weekly Insulin ⁣Injections Now a Reality

⁣ H2: A Therapeutic Simplification

H2: The Impact on ‍Diabetes Management

* H2: A Brighter Future for Diabetes Patients



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