Wedding of Ajax acquisition Daniele Rugani causes great anger: ‘He should be ashamed’

Wedding of Ajax acquisition Daniele Rugani causes great anger: ‘He should be ashamed’

arrived in the Netherlands on Monday, in the presence of his wife Michela Persico. The defender, who is making the transfer from Juventus to Ajax on loan, has been married to the 33-year-old sports presenter for a few months. However, their wedding was not appreciated by everyone.

Rugani and Persico were married on May 29 in the San Carlo church, located on Piazza San Carlo in Turin. The party lasted until late in the evening in a castle in the village of Montaldo Torinese, eighteen kilometers from Turin. The mayor of the village with 732 inhabitants was not happy about the wedding party. He spoke of a “real apocalypse.” “I have been bombarded all evening with phone calls from residents complaining about noise pollution from the castle,” Mayor Sergio Gaiotti told the ANSA news agency.

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“Shouting, loud music until 4am… They did not comply with the local bylaw that has been in place since 2017. The residents’ complaints were more than justified,” the mayor said, siding with the villagers. “They should be ashamed of their behaviour. The fact that it was the wedding of a Juventus player is no excuse. It was a lack of respect for our beautiful village. They can come to Montaldo whenever they want, they have that freedom, but as far as I’m concerned they are not welcome.”

READ ALSO: This is the wildly popular wife of Daniele Rugani, Ajax’s latest signing

The mayor even reported the party to the police, which was attended by many famous guests. Among them were footballer Manuel Locatelli and model Cristina Chiabotto. It is not known to what extent the police took action on the violations of conduct.

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