Weaving the Future: Uruguay’s Bold Journey into Communism

The author of “Computer” gives the key to the book that tells of a strategic coup in the 70s. Armed groups, informants and the role of the great powers emerge. It can be read for free on any phone, computer or tablet

[„Computer“ kann kostenlos von Bajalibros heruntergeladen werden, indem Sie hier klicken.]

We have submitted the 18th book of our authorship for review, COMPUTER – The downfall of the secret network of the Communist Party in Uruguay (PCU)– with the aim of shedding light on historical events that took place in parallel in Argentina and Uruguay in the last century, in the decade of the 1970s.

Although essentially a Uruguayan memoir, we believe the work contains details of the arrest and subsequent return to Buenos Aires of the prominent Argentine leader of the Montoneros group. Oscar DeGregorio.

COMPUTER is the name of a designed intelligence operation by a corps of the Uruguayan Navy, Naval Fusileros (FUSNA).

For the identity card of a woman who was wearing By Gregorioand subsequent investigations by COMPUTERIt was found that the Unifying Action Groups (GAU) had armed units operating in Uruguay and Argentina during the period The dictatorship from both countries.

From militants to informants

The peculiarity of the procedure was to modify the characteristics of the repression, from pressure to the arrest of the grassroots militants and the communist intermediate cadres: through pacts they were quickly The informant.

These informants were released and returned to the streets with the obligation to pass on the information they received to the police. COMPUTERalready converted into a FUSNA unit.

To realize success COMPUTERthe naval officers, had the support of former members of the PCUthe Revolutionary Socialist Party (PSR), die Tupamaros National Liberation Movement (MLN-T) and Unite action groups (GAU), who no longer believed in the dream of many young people of that time: to find the new man.

We cannot ignore that the witness statements with the first and last names of, for example, the first civilian member of COMPUTERFleming Gallo, make “porridge” out of the story he installed PCU after the return to democracy in 1985. The heroism and demigod status of its members remain intact even after their arrest by the security forces, solely because of their communism.

It is worth asking a question to which everyone or the vast majority would give the same answer: Who can? judge a person, father of a family Communist or not, with a particular burden in his life, in many cases with small children, in these circumstances surrounded by a space at the mercy of his enemy?

The effective communication policy of PCUthey place him today in a position he never held in defense of democracy. Sixty years ago, when Uruguay lived in a democratic regime, it created a Armed device secret, but its authorities have never institutionally recognized it to date.

In 1964, its firepower was superior to the military units of the Uruguayan Armed Forces and far exceeded the weapons of the Tupamaros National Liberation Movement (MLN-T). He never disclosed why he set up the secret armed apparatus. Nor is it the reason why he did not use it when the military overthrew democracy. And even less did he admit this publicly in 1973 through communications and editorials. supported the coup which led to a dictatorship lasting almost twelve years.

It can no longer hide the fact that its cadres have largely received military training in the former Soviet Unionthe main hunt of the world’s communist parties during the “Cold War”.

Based on witness statements, the book also questions the conduct of the former candidate for Vice President of the Republic for the Frente Amplio under these circumstances. Graciela Villar. Villar in the 70s lived in Montevideo and Buenos Aires. She was a cousin of Fleming Gallo’s wife.

Sixteen thousand cards, three thousand photos

The intelligence operation aroused the admiration of Uruguay’s then de facto president, a civilian, Aparicio Mendezthe President of the Supreme Court, the Commander-in-Chief of the Army, Lieutenant General Luis Vicente Queirolo, members of the MOSSAD, the Navy Mechanics School (ESMA) and diplomats from different countries, among others. What makes it special is that it also had the approval of the Board of General Officers of the Armed Forces.

During its operation in the offices of FUSNA, COMPUTER It contained more than 16,000 files and nearly 3,000 photographs from Uruguayan political parties, guerrilla organizations at home and abroad, trade unions, student associations, Freemasonry and the Uruguayan Youth of a Foot (JUP), a far-right organization.

But also from the Argentine group Montonerosthe Revolutionary Left Movement (MIR) of Chile, National Liberation Army (ELN) of Bolivia, among others. The book is based not only on eyewitness accounts, but also on official information and documentation, especially from the USSR Foreign Ministry.

Nazis and Soviets

It is worth saving a passage from a document written by the secretary of the Uruguayan embassy, ​​the socialist Lord Mario’ssent from Moscow to the Chancellery on 23 December 1945. After the end of the Second World War, Jaunarena commented on The Nazi and Soviet regimes were similarand claimed that their goal was world domination.

The diplomat argued that all communist parties in the world fulfilled a similar task as the Fifth column of the Nazis“These parties lacked independence, blindly obeyed Moscow’s orders and did not respond to the national interests in their respective countries,” he concluded.

The Uruguayan ambassador to the USSR was the most important historical leader of the Socialist Party of Uruguay, Emilio Frugoni, and his secretary Jaunarena, also a socialist, both of whom were officials of the Colorado Party government.

The truth, open

We would like to make the aim of the book very clear COMPUTER is to reveal the truth of the events that took place during the bourgeois-military dictatorship in Uruguay, without concealment, deception, lies or reservations.

At the same time, check the historical harmony between Uruguay and Argentina, with a history on one side of the Plata almost equal to that on the other side of the majestic river that does not divide us but unites us. But in recent history we cannot hide the loss of hundreds of lives due to a conflict between the two powers, the United States and the Soviet Union, called the “Cold War” or “Revolutionary War”.

Two of the winners of the WWII They are responsible for the cause and the people of American lands, defending their ideology from the effects that continue to this day and never end.

In the madness of the “Cold War”, in which our countries were directly or indirectly involved – each will have its own value judgment – 25 million people died, including seven civilians and one soldier. Since we do not count the two continents of North America and Europe, the number is much higher.

However, in Uruguay we are responsible the history of our recent historythat we would like to replace.

A sentence from the Spanish writer Antonio Machadoin his book Political anthologyseems like a tailor-made suit for our country, this distorted representation of what happened from the end of World War II to the present day.

ax wrote: “Due to a lack of imagination, we lie more than necessary: ​​even the truth is invented.”


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* What were the main factors ‌that led to the strategic coup in Uruguay during⁤ the 1970s?

Here is a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article⁢ on the topic:

Unveiling the Secrets of the 1970s: The Strategic Coup in Uruguay

In the midst of the tumultuous 1970s, Uruguay was torn apart by a turbulent decade marked by ‌political upheaval, armed groups,​ and the involvement of great powers. ​Against this backdrop, a remarkable book titled “Computer” has emerged, shedding light on a strategic coup​ that took ‌place⁤ during this period. Written‌ by an authoritative voice, ⁢the ⁢book⁣ tells ‍the gripping story of the downfall ⁣of the ‍secret network of the ⁤Communist Party in Uruguay (PCU).

The ‌Key to Understanding the Coup

The author’s 18th book, “Computer – The Downfall ‍of⁢ the Secret Network of the Communist Party ⁤in Uruguay (PCU)”, is a Uruguayan memoir that delves into the intricacies of historical events that⁢ transpired in parallel ⁣in Argentina and Uruguay during the 1970s. The book contains riveting details about the⁣ arrest and subsequent return to Buenos Aires of the prominent Argentine leader of the Montoneros group, Oscar DeGregorio.

A Designed Intelligence ‌Operation

The book is centered around “Computer”, a designed intelligence operation ⁣concocted ‍by a corps of​ the Uruguayan Navy, Naval Fusileros (FUSNA). The operation​ was instrumental in uncovering the secrets ‌of the Communist Party, and its‍ success hinged⁤ on the clever use of ⁤informants. The peculiarity of the ‌procedure involved modifying the characteristics of repression, from pressure to the arrest of grassroots militants and communist intermediate cadres, who were then converted into informants.

From​ Militants to ‌Informants

These ‍informants were released and returned to the streets with the obligation to pass on the information‍ they received to the police. The “Computer” unit, comprising naval officers, had the support of former members of the PCU, the​ Revolutionary Socialist Party (PSR), the Tupamaros National Liberation Movement (MLN-T), and the Unite​ Action⁢ Groups (GAU). This⁤ unlikely alliance was forged by individuals who no longer believed in ⁤the ⁤dream ⁢of creating‍ a new man.

The Role of Great Powers

As the story unfolds, the involvement of great powers becomes increasingly apparent. The witness statements of individuals like ​Fleming Gallo, the first civilian member of “Computer”, ⁢paint a complex picture of the events that transpired. The ‌book raises crucial questions about who can judge a person, regardless of ‍their political ‌affiliation, when they are surrounded by enemy forces​ and fighting for their life.

A Gripping Narrative

“Computer” is more than just​ a‌ historical account; it’s a gripping narrative that delves into the human dimension of a turbulent era. The book’s effective ⁣communication policy places the PCU in a position it never held before, in defense‍ of democracy. The‍ story is a ‌testament to‍ the power of human resilience and the complexities of political ideologies.

Read “Computer” for Free

The good news ⁢is that “Computer” can be downloaded for‌ free⁤ on any phone,‍ computer, or tablet, allowing readers to immerse themselves in ⁢this captivating narrative. Click here to download “Computer” for free.

Keywords: Computer, Uruguay, Argentina,⁤ Communist Party, Intelligence Operation, ‍Naval Fusileros, Informants, Great Powers, Montoneros, Tupamaros,‍ Revolutionary⁢ Socialist Party,‍ National Liberation⁣ Movement, Unite Action​ Groups.

Meta Description: Uncover the⁤ secrets‍ of the ⁣1970s in Uruguay with “Computer”, a gripping book that tells the story of a strategic coup and its impact on the⁤ Communist Party. Download for free now!

Header ‌Tags:

‌H1: Unveiling the Secrets of the ⁣1970s: The⁢ Strategic Coup in Uruguay

H2: The Key to​ Understanding the Coup

H2:⁤ A Designed Intelligence Operation

H2: From Militants to Informants

H2: The Role of Great Powers

H2: A Gripping Narrative

* H2: Read

What role did the Communist Party play in Uruguay’s political landscape in the 1970s?

Uncovering the Secrets of “Computer”: A Strategic Coup in 1970s Uruguay

In the midst of the Cold War, Uruguay and Argentina were embroiled in a complex web of political intrigue, armed groups, and great power machinations. The new book, “Computer – The Downfall of the Secret Network of the Communist Party in Uruguay (PCU)”, sheds



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