Weather: Will the real winter finally arrive in Luxembourg?


Weather reportWinter, the real one, will it end up arriving in Luxembourg?

LUXEMBOURG – Temperatures will drop over the next few days and heavy morning frosts are expected early next week. From there to say that winter is here?

Editpress/Tania Feller

While the daytime temperatures have been rather mild in recent days and will be once more on Friday and Saturday with up to 9°C expected, the thermometer will start to drop once more over the next few days and the weather will return to winter. At least if we rely on the short-term forecasts of MeteoLux, which indeed announces a drop in mercury, particularly noticeable in the early hours of Sunday.

It will already be necessary to count on a “minimum temperature between -3 and -6°C during the night from Saturday to Sunday”, indicated Thursday at The essential meteorologist Luca Mathias. And it is therefore from Sunday that the drop will be effective, with a maximum of between 1 and 4°C. From there to say that winter might settle in the Grand Duchy? “A slight rise in temperature is likely from next Tuesday,” responds MeteoLux. False joy for lovers of real cold, snow and hot chocolate by the fire.

“Snow is not in sight at the moment and in general, significant precipitation is not currently forecast for the next 7 to 10 days”, according to MeteoLux which cools the atmosphere and does not promise to ensure the filling groundwater. We will therefore already be almost mid-March and it will be time to welcome… spring.

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(pp. and nc)



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