Weather: The Heat is numbered, strong thunderstorms are coming and temperatures will drop by 10°C

In the next few days STOP the great heat, temperatures down even 10°C

We are heading towards the epilogue of this never-ending African heat wave: in the next few days there will be a real halt to the great heat with temperatures dropping sharply by as much as 10°C in some regions..

The prolonged and intense heat wave of African origin that has kept Italy under a suffocating state of mugginess for weeks, finally seems destined to end. A change in weather that will certainly be welcomed with relief by those who have suffered from the high temperatures, causing no small amount of inconvenience not only to the elderly and heart patients, but also to all those who, for work reasons, have not been able to leave the big cities.

However, to observe a significant change in the weather, it will be necessary to wait until the weekend when theAfrican anticyclone will be forced southwards and therefore towards its lands of origin. This retreat will be triggered by an oscillation of the Atlantic flow that will approach Italy, bringing with it a storm system. The first effects of this system will be felt starting from Saturday 17 August on the northern reliefs, especially on Piedmont and then on Sardinia and the central areas, with an intensification of the storms, which will extend in a more widespread form from Sunday 18 August.

With the arrival of the holiday, temperatures will begin to drop significantly, even by 10°C less in some areas, thus marking the end of the domination of the African anticyclone. The drop in temperatures, although irregular, will be felt throughout the peninsula, even if a real drastic drop in temperatures is not expected. Rather, we will see a return to more normal conditions for the Mediterranean summer, with a milder and healthier climate, thus remaining in a summer context.Maximum temperature differences between Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 August 2024Maximum temperature differences between Saturday 17 and Sunday 18 August 2024It is important to note, in fact, that we are not facing a summer crisis nor to its premature end. In fact, we will still be in the last ten days of August, a period in which the weather can reserve some surprises, but always within a summer that has not yet said its last word. Indeed, if everything is confirmed, during the next week the African anticyclone will do everything to take back what was stolen by trying to bring stability and great heat to our entire country.

We will see in the next updates if this attempt will be successful.



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