Weather Sottocorona, Ferragosto between 40° and thunderstorms. And on the end of the heat… –

The heat wave strengthens in the days leading up to Ferragosto. To provide the weather forecast for the next few days it is Paul Undercrownas reported by Tg La7 on Tuesday 13 August. Between tomorrow and Thursday the subtropical promontory will begin to weaken over the Western Mediterranean allowing the arrival of cooler air from the Atlantic but this will not be enough to bring down temperatures much which will still remain above average by 3/7 degrees. A small depression is expected between Saturday 17 and Monday 19 August, although it is still to be confirmed, and should increase instability in Italy and bring temperatures back at least to the seasonal norm, it is explained.

Hot Ferragosto: the heat map and the date of the first stop

As for today’s forecast, sun and heat everywhere, broken only by some isolated thunderstorms in the Alps and northern Apennines. In the afternoon, local phenomena could develop on the mountains between Umbria, Lazio and Abruzzo. Temperatures always significant, with values ​​that even exceed 36-38 degrees and tips up to 40 locally on the internal areas of the center-south. Similar situation on Wednesday 14 August, with some more clouds in the afternoon in the South on the reliefs, with some possibility of brief showers especially in Basilicata.

Giuliacci, heatwave blow: Until further notice

Sottocorona proposes the trend for the August 15th. Well, the day of Ferragosto will see “some more cloudiness on the reliefs especially in the northwest” while “some thunderstorms will appear in the center”, while in the south it will be mostly clear or partly cloudy. “We should point out during the day some showers in the internal areas and a tendency for some rain or thunderstorms also in Sardinia”, explains the meteorologist. Sunny south with few clouds in the afternoon, probable local showers and thunderstorms on the reliefs between Campania and Basilicata.

#Weather #Sottocorona #Ferragosto #thunderstorms #heat.. #Tempo
2024-08-14 01:01:34



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