Weather: Polar air current after the heat wave, high temperatures in August as well – 2024-07-24 15:32:57

And suddenly… polar airstream! After the high temperatures and the prolonged heat of the previous days, the weather is changing, the temperatures are dropping and all because of the coming polar storm.

However, according to Giorgos Tsatraphyllia’s post, the polar air current will bring coolness after the heatwave with the… dropper and burinia.

“After the exhausting and approximately 15-day heatwave, the transport of colder air is activated in our region with the help of the polar air current (river of air in the upper atmosphere) as a result of which the temperature will show a drop in the following days. However, the drop in temperature (which unfortunately will not last long) in addition to breaths of dew will potentially cause dangerous storms” he notes.

He also notes that the drop in temperature will be 6 to 8 degrees Celsius.

Tuesday: Thessaly, Epirus, Sterea, Lefkada, Macedonia (mainly Halkidiki), Thrace, Peloponnese

Wednesday: Thessaly, Epirus, Macedonia

Thursday: Macedonia, Thrace

“Finally, 6 global forecasting centers agree that the probability that this August will be warmer than usual is over 60-70%. So it is possible that in the coming days we will have another episode of heat.”

The post Chatraphyllia

“The polar air stream brings coolness with the dropper and sleet.” Will another heat wave come?

After the exhausting and approximately 15-day heatwave, the transfer of colder air is activated in our area with the help of the polar air current (river of air in the upper atmosphere) as a result of which the temperature will drop in the following days. However, the drop in temperature (which unfortunately won’t last long) in addition to cool breaths will also potentially cause dangerous storms.

More specifically, in terms of the drop in temperature, it will be around 6-8 degrees until Friday. From the weekend, it will gradually start to rise again (NOT to unbearable levels). Indicative:

In relation to thunderstorms, storms (possibly with intense lightning activity) and hail, the areas that must show the required attention especially during the hot hours of the day are:




In relation to the development of the weather since July, it seems to say goodbye to us with normal temperatures for the season for the northernmost continental areas and with more heat (2-4 degrees above normal) for the rest.

Finally, 6 global forecasting centers agree on the opinion that the probability that this August will be warmer than usual is over 60-70%. So it is possible that in the coming days we will have another episode of heat.”

#Weather #Polar #air #current #heat #wave #high #temperatures #August



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