Weather Forecast Sunday, August 11, 2024 Several Regions in Indonesia Will Have Rain

Workers use umbrellas to avoid the pouring rain in the Sudirman area, Jakarta (MI/RAMDANI)

The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) predicts the weather that will occur on Sunday, August 11, 2024. According to information, some areas in Indonesia will be showered with rain.

The weather forecast in the Sumatra island region, starting from the Banda Aceh and Pangkal Pinang areas, is predicted to be cloudy, Jambi City will be thickly cloudy.

In contrast to the Pekanbaru, Tanjung Pinang, and Lampung areas, it is estimated that light rain will fall. The Bengkulu area will be showered with moderate rain. Meanwhile, the city of Palembang will experience hazy air and be aware of rain accompanied by lightning in the cities of Medan and Padang.

In Java, sunny cloudy weather is predicted to occur in Semarang and Surabaya, in contrast to the cities of Serang and Yogyakarta which are predicted to be cloudy. While thick cloudy weather occurs in Jakarta and Bandung.

Furthermore, the weather forecast for the Bali Island and Nusa Tenggara areas, Kupang City and Denpasar City are predicted to be sunny with cloudy weather, while Mataram City is generally cloudy.

Crossing to the island of Kalimantan, Seeing the Banjarmasin area which is predicted to be cloudy, the Palangkaraya and Samarinda areas are monitored to be showered with light rain, in contrast to the city of Pontianak which will be showered with moderate rain. It is advised to be vigilant for the people of Tanjung Selor because there will be rain accompanied by lightning.

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Moving to Sulawesi Island, the potential for hazy air in Palu City, Manado City will be cloudy. Sunny cloudy weather will occur in Gorontalo and Makassar. Furthermore, Kendari City is expected to be thickly cloudy. Finally, the potential for moderate rain will occur in Mamuju City.

Furthermore, BMKG predicts that in the Eastern Indonesia Region, it is estimated that Merauke City will start thick. While in the cities of Ternate, Ambon, Sorong, Manokwari and Jayapura it is estimated that there will be light rain. Different from the cities of Nabire and Jayawijaya which are predicted to have moderate rain.

BMKG also predicts that the air temperature will generally range between 16 to 34 degrees Celsius with humidity ranging from 32 to 100 percent. The height of sea waves in the Indonesian region is estimated to be between 0.5 to 2.5 meters.

Be aware of the potential for high waves of 2.5 to 4 meters which are predicted to occur in the western Indian Ocean, the Mentawai Islands to Lampung and the South Indian Ocean. An increase in wind speeds of more than 50 km/h is predicted to occur in the eastern Java Sea and the southern Indian Ocean.

In addition, based on the flammability level map, areas that are potentially very flammable are estimated to occur in the Jambi region, South Sumatra, Bangka Belitung Islands, most of Java Island to Nusa Tenggara, the southern part of Kalimantan Island, then the South Sulawesi region, Southeast Sulawesi, a small part of West Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi and Gorontalo and in the southern part of Papua. BMKG appeals to the public to be more careful when carrying out activities related to fire. (Z-12)

#Weather #Forecast #Sunday #August #Regions #Indonesia #Rain



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