Weather-Driven Prescription Patterns: The Impact of Inclement Conditions on Ozempic Use in Online Clinics

He is not alone in apparently prescribing the medicine easily at the Swedish online clinics. A total of six out of nine take on the reporter – despite the fact that he is not overweight.

They have popped up like mushrooms in the forest in connection with the hype surrounding the diabetes and weight loss medicine Ozempic. The digital clinics that prescribe the medicine.

Breakit has previously written about one of the most prominent clinics, Yazen, whose revenue surged by 2,500 percent to SEK 56 million last year.

Yazen has been criticized, both for pitting patient groups against each other (as the medicine is intended for diabetics) and for having prescribed medicines too lightly – something the company however rejected.

Now take Mission review a grasp of the new digital actors.

The SVT journalist Erik Galli have tested if it is possible to get Ozempic from the online clinics even though he has a slim body. He has stated in the clinic’s questionnaire that he is overweight and weighs 130 kilos.

A total of nine Swedish clinics are tested, of which five require video meetings. Two doctors react to how the journalist looks. They deny him treatment. Two others also see the reporter on video but still prescribe weight loss medication. One doctor even prescribes Ozempic even though he himself mentions that there is a shortage of the medicine among diabetics.

In the review, Erik Galli becomes a patient at six out of nine clinics and “bathes in prescriptions”.

The clinics that prescribed are Yazen, Ayd, MedFacilis, Fryksända Kliniken, Supernormal and Wellgo. The clinics that refused are DrVikt, Optifit and Velora.

In the previous episode, the reporter was able to get prescriptions from the clinic Ayd – using AI-generated images.

Breakit has received written answers from Ayd’s CEO and founder Jakob Wikefeldt.

“Unfortunately, we have historically had occasional problems with people who deliberately lied in dialogue with our doctors, as well as shared manipulated or false images, in order to try to usurp treatment they are not entitled to. These single individuals have been outright denied or rejected upon discovery,” he wrote.

Read all of Ayd’s CEO’s answers here.

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**The‌ Rise​ of Online Clinics Prescribing Ozempic: A Controversial Trend**

The Rise of Online Clinics Prescribing Ozempic: A Controversial Trend

In recent years, the hype surrounding Ozempic,⁣ a diabetes and weight loss medication, has led⁤ to a surge in digital clinics prescribing ‌the medicine. However, concerns have​ been raised about the ease with which⁢ patients can obtain Ozempic online, even if they don’t meet the medical criteria.

The Investigation

A recent investigation by SVT journalist⁤ Erik Galli ‍found⁣ that six ⁣out of nine online clinics in Sweden ⁢prescribed ‍Ozempic to him, despite the ⁤fact that he‍ is not overweight. Galli ⁣posed as an overweight⁣ individual, stating ⁢in the clinic’s questionnaire that he weighed 130 kilos, ⁣and was able to obtain prescriptions from clinics such as Yazen, Ayd, MedFacilis, Fryksända Kliniken, Supernormal,‌ and Wellgo.

Criticisms and Controversies

Yazen, one of the most prominent online clinics, has come under fire for pitting patient groups against each other, as Ozempic is intended⁢ for diabetics.‍ The company has also been criticized for prescribing medicines‌ too lightly, which they have denied.

How to Get Ozempic Online

Despite the controversies, it⁣ is possible to‌ get Ozempic online from certain digital clinics. For⁤ example, K Health ⁢offers Ozempic online for⁤ $49 per month, allowing patients to access a doctor and medication from the⁢ comfort of their⁤ own homes [[1]]. ‍ also allows patients to buy ​Ozempic online, with‌ the medication indicated for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus [[2]]. Body Clinic, a Netherlands-based clinic,⁤ offers ‍Ozempic injections to help lower blood sugar levels in‌ people‌ with type ‌2 diabetes [[3]].

Concerns and ‍Implications

The ease with ⁣which ⁤Ozempic can be obtained online raises concerns about the potential misuse of the medication. With the rise of ⁢digital clinics,⁣ it is essential to ensure that⁣ patients are being ​prescribed medication appropriately‌ and under the ‌guidance of a qualified medical professional.


The‍ trend‍ of online clinics prescribing Ozempic has sparked controversy ⁣and concern.‍ While it may be ‌possible to obtain Ozempic online‌ from certain clinics, it ⁣is ​crucial ⁢to prioritize responsible prescribing practices and ⁣ensure that patients are receiving appropriate medical care. As the digital healthcare landscape continues​ to evolve, it is essential to address these concerns and prioritize patient⁤ safety ‍above all else.

Ozempic studies 2024

In a comprehensive and SEO-optimized article on the topic of Ozempic and digital clinics prescribing Ozempic. It



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