Weak panel demand drives IC four to fall by more than 6% | Anue Juheng – Taiwan Stock News

Due to the rapid reversal of panel market conditions and the pressure on the driver IC group, the stock price fell again this week.4961-TW) fell more than 10% due to the ex-dividend this week, but the rest such as Novatek (3034-TW), Duntai (3545-TW), Ruiding (3592-TW) also fell by 6-9%, which is the vulnerable group on the disk.

Novatek, a major driver IC manufacturer, pointed out that due to the impact of uncertainties in the global environment and logistics factors such as the past due to the port plugging, the inventory pressure is relatively large, and it is expected to be reduced to normal water levels in about two quarters. Receipts will be substantially revised.

Coincidentally, Duntai and Tianyu have also released conservative outlooks for the second half of the year. It is expected that prices and shipments will decline. At the same time, the production volume will also be reduced. Currently, it is expected that the fastest fourth quarter revenue and gross profit margin will be stopped. stable.

Observing the trend of foreign investment, only 228 pieces of Tianyu were bought this week, and 183, 1177, and 88 pieces were sold in Chao Novatek, Duntai, and Ruiding, respectively.

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