“We will talk about the massacres of Palestinians in Gaza, where the sincerity of our common values ​​is being tested”

AA / Ankara / Victory Fatih White

“We will put on the agenda the ongoing massacres once morest the Palestinian people in Gaza, where the sincerity of our common values is being tested.”

This was stated by the President of the Republic of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, on Tuesday before his departure for the NATO summit.

The Turkish president held a press conference at Esenboga Airport in Ankara before heading to the United States to attend the NATO Heads of State and Government Summit in Washington.

The summit will propose consultations during the summit to strengthen NATO’s deterrence and defense structure and to enhance the capabilities and means of allies, Erdoğan said.

“This summit has a special significance as it coincides with the 75th anniversary of the creation of NATO. We will follow up on the decisions we took in Vilnius last year. On this occasion, with the participation of representatives of the European Union in a session, we will meet at the leaders’ level with NATO partners in the Asia-Pacific region, Australia, South Korea, Japan and New Zealand,” he added.

Stating that the final session of the summit will be held in the format of the NATO-Ukraine Council, President Erdoğan continued:

“We expect results from this Summit that take into account the national security sensitivities of the Allies and that strengthen the solidarity and spirit of unity of the Alliance. The implementation of the decisions we took in Vilnius on the fight once morest terrorism and the removal of barriers to trade in defense industries between Allies is important in this regard. During our meetings, we will draw attention to the growing terrorist threat in the world, particularly in our immediate neighbourhood. We will also stress the need to increase NATO’s efforts to wage a decisive and comprehensive fight once morest terrorist organizations.

Turkey’s commitment and support for the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine are well known. While designing the measures to be taken to support Ukraine, we maintain our principled position that NATO should not be a party to the war. We have stated from day one that a just peace would have no losers. To this end, we have put our hands under the stone from the very beginning, first to secure a ceasefire and then to pave the way for a lasting peace, particularly within the framework of the Istanbul process. Every day when weapons speak, bloodshed and loss of life show how just we are.”

– The challenges posed by emerging technologies will also be on the agenda.

The consultations in Washington will also make important contributions in terms of determining NATO’s new vision for the southern region.

“The cyber world, the fight once morest disinformation and the challenges posed by emerging technologies will also be on our agenda,” he said.

President Erdoğan said that the Washington summit will once once more remind that the central role in the security of the Euro-Atlantic region belongs to NATO.

“Turkey is one of the five Allies that contribute the most to NATO missions and operations. We do more than our share in terms of burden sharing. We are one of the backbones of NATO with the capabilities and means we have developed on land, at sea and in the air. The importance we attach to the alliance in this period of diversifying and increasing threats is clear,” he said.

He added: “We will put on the agenda the ongoing massacres once morest the Palestinian people in Gaza, where the sincerity of our common values ​​is being tested. In the face of this serious situation, we will emphasize that the international community has failed to stop Israel and that it will not be possible for the world conscience to breathe a sigh of relief until a just and lasting peace is established in Palestine. While putting all these issues on the agenda at the highest level, I will also discuss our assessments in bilateral meetings with the heads of state and government of allied countries.”

– “We are one of the top five NATO countries”

“We are one of the top five countries in NATO. I say this from the point of view of financial support and also from the point of view of strengthening NATO. This is the situation of Turkey in this regard. When we say ‘top five countries’, we are not just saying it for the sake of it. This is now an approach of all NATO member countries. This is also the way they all view Turkey. From now on, we will continue to strengthen and consolidate our position within NATO.”

Stressing that Turkey’s role in the election of Mark Rutte as NATO Secretary General was high-level, Erdoğan said: “Of course, we will also have meetings with Mr. Rutte in America. Before he took office, he told me that he would visit Turkey. I think we will conduct our steps in the same way with Rutte, just as we conducted the process with Stoltenberg in a very sincere atmosphere.”

– Ceasefire in Gaza

Asked regarding the current status of efforts to secure a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, Erdoğan recalled that very serious negotiations were underway in Doha with a view to a ceasefire.

Stressing that the Mossad chief visited Doha and that positive steps were taken during the negotiations in Doha, Erdoğan said: “From that day until today, these steps have not yet been finalized. We are patiently following the process. Both our intelligence chief and our foreign minister are following the process. I hope that we will quickly achieve the results we expect.”

* Translated from Turkish by Tuncay Çakmak

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President Erdoğan Sets Out Turkey’s Priorities for NATO Summit

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has outlined Turkey’s key priorities for the upcoming NATO Summit in Washington, emphasizing the importance of strengthening the alliance’s deterrence and defense structures once morest evolving threats. Ahead of his departure for the summit, Erdoğan held a press conference at Esenboga Airport in Ankara, outlining his agenda for the gathering of NATO leaders.

Focus on Deterrence and Defense

Erdoğan highlighted the summit’s significance as it coincides with the 75th anniversary of NATO’s establishment. He stated that Turkey will be actively involved in discussions aimed at strengthening the alliance’s deterrence capabilities and defense structures, building upon the decisions taken at the previous summit in Vilnius last year.

Addressing Global Security Challenges

The summit will address a range of pressing security challenges, including the growing terrorist threat in the world. Turkey will emphasize the need for a concerted effort to combat terrorist organizations, highlighting its own experience in confronting terrorism in its immediate neighborhood.

Support for Ukraine, but No Direct Involvement in Conflict

Turkey’s commitment to the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine remains unwavering. However, Turkey maintains its stance that NATO should not directly engage in the conflict. Erdoğan reiterated Turkey’s position on achieving a just and lasting peace in Ukraine through a ceasefire and diplomatic negotiations, particularly within the framework of the Istanbul process.

Cybersecurity and Emerging Technologies

The summit will also delve into the challenges posed by emerging technologies, including cybersecurity and the fight once morest disinformation. These issues will be crucial in shaping NATO’s future capabilities to address evolving threats in the digital domain.

Turkey’s Contribution to NATO

President Erdoğan emphasized Turkey’s significant contribution to NATO missions and operations, ranking among the top five allies in terms of financial support and military capabilities. Turkey’s leadership in the alliance is a testament to its commitment to collective security in the Euro-Atlantic region.

Palestinian Crisis and International Community’s Role

The ongoing situation in Gaza will be a prominent topic on the agenda. Turkey will call for the international community to take a more active role in ending the conflict and ensuring a just and lasting peace in Palestine. The Turkish leadership will use bilateral meetings with allied leaders to raise these concerns and to advocate for a peaceful resolution to the Palestinian crisis.

NATO Secretary-General and Turkey’s Role

Erdoğan acknowledged Turkey’s significant role in the election of Mark Rutte as NATO Secretary-General and expressed confidence in their future cooperation. He noted that prior to his appointment, Rutte had committed to visiting Turkey. This signifies the strong working relationship between Turkey and NATO’s leadership.

Ceasefire Efforts in Gaza

Regarding the ongoing efforts to secure a sustainable ceasefire in Gaza, Erdoğan stated that intensive negotiations are taking place in Doha, with the participation of both Palestinian and Israeli representatives. He expressed hope that a ceasefire agreement will be reached soon, bringing an end to the conflict.



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