The Syndicate of Supermarket Owners in Lebanon announced that, “According to the decision of the Minister of Finance No. 447 dated 16/1/2023, which stipulates that half of the customs duties on imported goods be paid in cash in Lebanese pounds, it will be forced, with regret, to stop accepting bank cards, if this decision is implemented.” .
And she explained in a statement, “This decision will prevent supermarket owners from using the funds received through bank cards, to pay fees and their consequences to suppliers, meaning that these funds will remain withheld in banks without any ability to use them,” noting that “ On this basis, the Syndicate of Supermarkets finds itself compelled to take this decision to stop accepting payments with bank cards in Lebanese pounds.
The union apologized to the citizens, calling on those responsible to “reverse this decision as soon as possible, in order to stop harm to both institutions and citizens.”