Regarding the new way of determining the minimum wage, Ms. Kerameos stated the following: “Today, the minimum wage is 830 euros. We already have a road map to go, until 2027, to 950 euros. We started from 650 euros and we go to 950 euros. That’s an increase of 46%, so from when the New Democracy took over the government of the country until 2027, when the second term of the New Democracy ends, we will have an increase of 46%. Also, right now , a new Labor Ministry bill is under consultation, incorporating a European directive. Europe is coming and what does it tell us? In the countries that have a statutory minimum wage, which is the vast majority, he comes and tells us, put in more objective criteria and more clearly, put in an automatic adjustment mechanism. It is part of the European Commission’s proposals.
Therefore, we are coming and with the bill, which is under consultation, we predict how much the minimum wage will increase after 2027″.
Regarding how it is calculated, the Minister of Labor clarifies that the minimum wage will be linked to market prices. As he explains, “as prices go up, that is, as accuracy increases, which plagues the country’s households, the minimum wage will also increase. Today, the minimum wage has increased by 28%, the cumulative price increase is at 16%, so it is lower. In other words, we are trying to be higher than inflation, higher than accuracy, but the important thing is that from now on the two will be linked. Are prices going up? The minimum wage will rise. Here is an answer already to what the parliamentary parties and others are saying, why don’t you go to free collective bargaining? Because we consider it very important that the minimum wage be linked to the real economy. The minimum wage is a protection shield and provides that no one in our country whether working in the private sector or working in the public sector will be able to have less than 830 euros today. Next year there will be more, we will have an increase in the minimum wage in a few months, the process starts at the beginning of 2025 and we will have an increase in the following years, to reach 950 in 2027”.
To a question regarding the collective negotiations, Ms. Kerameos answered as follows: “The representatives of the employees and the employers can decide on their own above. If they think they can achieve such increases that the government has set, because we are talking about an increase that reaches 50%, let them go and agree something more, they are free. Second very important point. Why is it important to legislate? To have predictability. Today, if there is labor peace to a large extent, it also stems from the fact that we all know where we are going. The worker knows that it will be at 950 euros in a few years and, therefore, he does his family planning, the company knows it and does its business planning. So this is very important and one last element. It is no coincidence that the vast majority of European Union countries have this model, they have the statutory minimum wage. 22 out of 27 have this legislative endorsement. Why? To have security, to have predictability. But I say again, I wish the social partners would come and agree on something more.”
With regard to the correction of the distortion in the Pensioners’ Solidarity Contribution, the Minister of Labor notes that a provision is coming, which provides that, whenever an increase is given to the pension, the threshold of each scale will rise by the same amount. This ensures two things. The first one ensures that no one will see a reduction due to the solidarity levy and the second one ensures that all pensioners will get the pension increase in full.
Regarding the reinforcement of the Disability Certification Center with medical staff, Ms. Kerameos emphasizes that in our country there were 514 doctors in the Disability Certification Centers, while today, we have 1,254 doctors. “I had promised that we would do everything in our power to strengthen the state’s services to these vulnerable fellow citizens. We have a long way to go and that’s why we are working very hard, precisely in order to be able to serve our vulnerable fellow citizens faster, better and more efficiently”, says the Minister of Labor.
Regarding the list of irreversible diseases at the Disability Certification Centers, Ms. Kerameos points out that this list has been expanded. “We have included other conditions that are not medically reversible, and those who suffer from these conditions will no longer have to go to the Disability Certification Centers again and again, but will receive the benefit for life,” she adds.
Answering a question about workers who are entitled to a disability pension, the Minister of Labor recalls that, for many years in our country, in order to receive a disability pension, a condition was to stop working. “So what was the state telling you? Or one or the other (or support from the State or a job). We say why or one or the other? Citizens should have both. Well, that’s fixed now. On Tuesday, this provision, which we have proposed, will be voted on in the Plenary, so that it is no longer a condition for you to receive the disability pension to interrupt your work”, explains Ms. Kerameos.
Regarding the repatriation of Greeks who left abroad in search of better professional opportunities, the Minister of Labor points out the following: “About 350,000 have returned, according to the latest Eurostat data, but there is considerable scope, precisely in order to repatriate, to bring our children back and, for this very reason, we organize “Career Days” abroad. In two weeks, we will organize “Career Days” in the Netherlands, in December in Dusseldorf, Germany, and in the spring in England. We bring in contact Greek companies, which are looking for specialized personnel, with Greeks who live and operate abroad and are looking for this best opportunity. The choices are free. Everyone will do what they judge, but it is our duty, in our opinion, to highlight opportunities.”
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appId: “487cc53b-3b66-4f84-8803-3a3a133043ab”,
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// For Google AdSense
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// Phaistos Adman
// Glomex
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// Vidoomy
// Weather
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#increase #coming #years #reach #euros
It looks like you have a snippet of JavaScript code that manages various advertising and tracking functionalities on a webpage, but the code seems incomplete, with several parts commented out, placeholders, or with missing URLs/scripts. Here’s a guide to help you understand the code and potentially complete it correctly.
### Breakdown and Completion Guide
1. **Adsense Handling**:
– The code checks for the presence of `.adsense-for-mobile` and either removes AdSense slots or initializes them based on some condition (likely responsive design).
- You should ensure that the function `asyncLoadScript` is properly defined to load external scripts asynchronously.
2. **Adman Integration**:
– This segment initializes an Adman ad unit. You need to ensure that the script source and parameters (`id` and dimensions) are correctly filled in.
window.AdmanQueue.push(function() {
Adman.adunit({id: 338, h: ‘desiredHeight’});
3. **OneSignal Integration**:
– The OneSignal service is used to manage web push notifications. Ensure that you have the correct `appId`.
4. **Disqus Comments**:
– This section configures Disqus comments for the page. Make sure to replace the placeholder for the page URL with the actual page URL where Disqus is supposed to load.
“`javascript = window.location.href; // Example: using the current page’s URL
5. **CleverCore Handling**:
– Similar to the Adman section, you would need to fill in the correct script URL for CleverCore and define what `put-your-callback-macro-here` should do.
6. **Taboola/Project Agora**:
– Ensure to fill in the `asyncLoadScript` calls with the URLs and any necessary parameters.
7. **General AdSense and Other Ads**:
- Similar to the AdSense section, make sure that scripts for all services like Glomex, Dalecta, and Vidoomy are loaded properly with the correct URLs and configurations.
### Example of Completing the Code
Below is a generalized structure of how the above code could be completed and cleaned up. Remember to replace placeholders with actual values.
function asyncLoadScript(url) {
const script = document.createElement(‘script’);
script.src = url;
if (/* condition for mobile ads */) {
document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsense-for-mobile’).forEach(function(e) {
const adSenseSlots = document.querySelectorAll(‘.adsbygoogle’);
if (adSenseSlots.length > 0) {
// Load AdSense scripts
// Adman
window.AdmanQueue = window.AdmanQueue || [];
AdmanQueue.push(function() {
Adman.adunit({ id: 338, h: ‘desiredHeight’ });
// OneSignal
window.OneSignalDeferred = window.OneSignalDeferred || [];
OneSignalDeferred.push(function(OneSignal) {
appId: “487cc53b-3b66-4f84-8803-3a3a133043ab”,
// Disqus integration
var disqus_config = function() { = window.location.href; // Set the page URL = 1562323; // Set a unique identifier for the page
setTimeout(function() {
(function() {
var d = document,
s = d.createElement(‘script’);
s.setAttribute(‘data-timestamp’, +new Date());
(d.head || d.body).appendChild(s);
}, 3000);
// Additional ads and integrations can follow a similar pattern
// Ensure to load any required scripts for other integrations similarly.
### Conclusion
Ensure that each `asyncLoadScript` function call points to the correct script URLs and that any other ad-related functionalities are correctly set up according to the respective platforms’ documentation. Carefully test the entire code in a local or development environment before deploying to production.