2023-04-27 00:38:07
Guadalupe de la Cruz
“You have to give the usual a lesson in dignity, because they believe and say that someone from the people does not have the capacity to govern the State of Mexico, but I tell them that we all have that capacity to change the Mexican people.”
This was expressed by the teacher Delfina Gómez Álvarez, candidate for governor of the State of Mexico for MORENA, PT and PVEM during her tour of Teotihuacán, where she assured that without unity it will be very difficult to achieve change in the entity.
“All human beings have the capacity to do great things, the peasants, the merchants, the housewives themselves and even our artisans, and all of us who are here want to make a real change, but united, because otherwise it will not work. our fight is welcome,” he asserted.
Gómez Álvarez, made a call to the Mexican people “ask so that I do not forget my roots, so that I do not forget my commitment to you and so that once in power I apply it correctly.”
“Many times those of us who want power, the Mexican people, forget, because when we came to power we forgot that we wanted to get there, but to serve the people and we do the opposite, we use it,” he said.
We are doing very well, he said, these militants and supporters would like to have them “in front” but all of us who are here want to change our State of Mexico, day by day comrades from other parties and colors join, that beyond parties and colors What we want is the same thing, to work for our people.
It is worth mentioning that before, the teacher Delfina Gómez was in the municipality of Papalotla where she proposed creating a rainwater harvesting program in order to face the scarcity of the liquid that exists in several of the municipalities of the entity.
During her tour of the 125 municipalities of the State of Mexico, teacher Delfina Gómez has been emphatic in assuring that the problem of water scarcity experienced by many Mexicans has worsened in recent decades due to the reduction in investment and sanitation of dams. , rivers and lagoons that the state has.
In the municipality of Papalotla, the teacher offered the inhabitants to review the causes for which the river in this place has fissures. She highlighted that water has become a security issue and it is important to solve it in the State of Mexico, where there are already municipalities such as Ecatepec, Chimalhuacán, Los Reyes or Chalco that are facing this problem.
#give #lesson #dignity #June #DGA