"We will always keep the memory of our Renata alive in us" – La Voce newspaper

Remembering Dr. Renata Revel Chion: A Heartfelt Tribute

So, here we are, folks. The world of medicine has just lost a galaxy-sized star – Dr. Renata Revel Chion, the beloved cardiologist from the San Pietro Medical Center in Caselle Torinese. It was August 29, 2024, when the news hit the airwaves like a bad pop song – *everyone* heard it, but nobody wanted to. She was 75 and, let’s be honest, her absence is going to leave a hole bigger than the Mediterranean. Not the sea, the actual hole! Just think about it – a cardiologist who spent her life ensuring people’s hearts were healthy just stopped beating herself.

The Life of Renata Revel Chion

Renata was born in the rustic little town of Chiaverano on December 9, 1948. But, before you could say “Viva l’Italia,” her parents moved her to Venezuela. And how did they do it? Two years old and off on an ocean expedition – now that’s what I call a childhood adventure! Who needs a childhood home when you can have a Caribbean view?

Little Renata soaked in the Caribbean air and swapped her alpine shoes for dancing shoes, mixing her Italian roots with the Latin rhythms. Can you just picture her? A pint-sized star dancing away to a salsa beat, probably while attempting to figure out whether “pediatric cardiology” was on the local job market!

Her Medical Journey

She wasn’t there just to dance, oh no! She grew up to become a pediatric cardiologist, which, let’s face it, is not your run-of-the-mill career choice. Imagine risking your health to save the health of tiny humans. Dedication, folks! Dr. Revel Chion was like the superhero of hearts, except instead of a cape, she had an MD. She worked in some of the top hospitals in Venezuela, even collecting accolades that made their way all the way to the White House. I mean, even the politics in Washington had to sit up and take notice!

A Difficult Return

But every hero has their trials, and at some point, the political climate in Venezuela turned sour – much like sour milk left on the counter. So, she did what anyone with sense would do: she made a difficult journey back to Italy. Not the recent, stylish vacation kind of return, no. This was the “I’m coming back to take care of my elderly mother and my dog, Cici” kind of return. No one can say that Renata wasn’t full of heart, especially when prioritizing family and furry friends over fame and glory.

Building New Connections

Upon her arrival in Ferrara, she quickly understood the importance of community, befriending colleagues at the Ferrara Hospital and revitalizing relationships wherever she went. Eventually, she found her way to the San Pietro Medical Center, where she struck up an unbelievable collaboration with Dr. Andrea Sala. Their partnership was sweet, almost like the dental plan of a candy shop – full of promises and shared understanding.

Her work ethic was unparalleled; even while facing her own health issues, she never lost her zeal to treat her patients. Imagine a doctor who, despite the urge to take a break, shows up at the hospital door like she forgot her lunch – never! She was in it till the end – and I do mean *the* end.

A Fond Farewell

Her contributions didn’t go unnoticed by the staff or the community, either. Renata was described as “definitely fussy and sweet,” which is the kind way to say she was a lovable hurricane with a very chaotic desk. It’s the small forgetful things that remind us of the humanity of our heroes, isn’t it? Glasses, flash drives, you name it; her office was like a treasure hunt for the disorganized!

The San Pietro Medical Center has now decided to honor her legacy by donating to the Lanzo Hospice, where she received care. A beautiful gesture indeed and a perfect testament to how one woman can ripple kindness throughout her community.

In Conclusion

Dr. Renata Revel Chion may have left us, but her legacy remains a shining beacon in the healthcare world. It serves as a constant reminder that with great power (and a stethoscope, of course) comes great responsibility – but also a whole lot of heart! So here’s to Renata, whose memory will indeed be carried forward like a torch lighting the way for others to follow!

May she rest in peace and may all her glasses be found!

It was the August 29, 2024 when the San Pietro Medical Center in Caselle Torinesewith immense pain, had announced the death of the doctor Renata Revel Chion.

Esteemed cardiologist and point of reference for many patients, Dr she passed away at the age of 75leaving an unfillable void in the world of medicine and in the hearts of those who had had the privilege of knowing her. At a distance of almost two months after his disappearancethe whole staff of the San Pietro Medical Center wanted to dedicate a touching memory to the doctor Revel Chionnarrating his life and underlining his professionalism, his humanity and his ability to establish a relationship of trust with patients.

The story of Renata Revel Chion narrated by the staff of the San Pietro Medical Center:

“Born on December 9, 1948 in the small town of Chiaverano, in the Ivrea area, a little girl named Renata he soon began traveling the world. Alone two years in fact, his parents, looking for a better future, decided to move to Venezuela. After a long ocean crossing, little Renata, born among the majestic Alpine mountains, found herself immersed in the luxuriant beauty of a South American country overlooking the Caribbean. His passion for dancenourished by the Caribbean air, soon became intertwined with Latin rhythms, while keeping her Italian roots alive, thanks to her parents’ bond with their land of origin.

Renata he has always demonstrated an enterprising spirit. He chose to study medicine and specialized in pediatric cardiologyand has always been driven by the desire to help others. His dedication was so profound that, on many occasions, he put his own health at risk to ensure the well-being of his patients, friends and family. Despite the fatigue and suffering he suffered due to the loss of some little patients, he always felt the satisfaction of having saved many little lives.

Her professionalism led her to achieve important goals at a national and international level. He worked in prestigious hospital facilities such as the M. Pérez Carreño Hospital and the University Hospital of Caracas, the Children’s Hospital of Londra and the Clinics Caracas in Venezuelaobtaining recognitions also at the White House in Washington.

After long years in Venezuelaat a certain point the climate of instability with repressive actions and political persecution pushed her to make a departure as difficult as it was sudden, making her return to her homeland a reality.

In fact, he decided to return to his mother, now elderly, and with his beloved Cici dogwho accompanied her for most of the time when she returned to Italia. It was not a simple decision, leaving a successful professional and personal life to return home in search of new opportunities: it was the return journey that his parents had already undertaken many years earlier.

He initially arrived at Ferrara where he met special people, both among colleagues at the Ferrara Hospital and at the Santa Maria Maddalena nursing home, and among friends and neighbors. Likewise, with his subsequent return to the Turin area, he formed new, very important bonds with friends and neighbors, but also with colleagues at the Villa Grazia nursing home and the San Pietro Medical Center, where he was able to best express his great professionalism. , with serenity and joy, until the epilogue of his professional career”.

Dr. Revel Chion

Dr. Andrea Sala, Cardiologist and Director of the San Pietro Medical Center with deep emotion he said:

“I still remember today his first phone call in April 2019, when he asked me for a meeting to come and work at ours Medical Centerwhich was followed by an aperitif where the spark immediately struck, which quickly led to the start of a wonderful human and professional collaboration! We have always shared the way of approaching people, illness and suffering, with Renata I knew I was on the safe side! Great and tireless professional, who never gave up even when faced with the sad evidence of her illness.”

About that Tanio Tomasi, owner of the San Pietro Medical Center said: “We told her Renata, you’re tired, rest, but she wanted to donate her human and professional assets to the patients, so she begged us to allow her to continue working….I’ll just tell you that she was at work even while the home care nurses they rang her house bell and a few hours later she was welcomed into the Lanzo Hospice”.

She had become a constant presence at the Medical Centerand the employees remember her with great affection: “definitely fussy and fussy as she described herself, sweet but also with a strong and determined character. The love for his work came before anything else, he dedicated his entire life to his patients; she called them herself to monitor them and knowing that, thanks to her care, they were better made her eyes shine! She gave so much love and received so much love in return, with a thousand thanks and gifts. The doctor was almost perfect…sometimes even a little careless! When he went away in the evening, he always forgot something in the studio; starting from his white flash drive, not to mention his 3 pairs of glasses… he usually forgot at least one on his desk! Needless to say, it won’t be easy to no longer have the doctor wandering around the office like a small hurricane, full of resources and energy, with a kind word always for everyone! We will remember her and carry her with us forever.”

“Dr. Revel Chion was an extraordinary woman – continues the staff of the San Pietro Medical Center – capable of combining professional skills with her great humanity. Her ability to listen, understand and respect each person left an indelible mark in the heart of those who knew her; she was a great woman, even before a great professional, who knew how to touch the deepest chords of other people’s souls. Her moral and professional legacy will be the guide for all those who had the honor of get to know her.”

The words of Dr. Sala and the memories of her colleagues are capable of releasing all the intensity of the relationships that the doctor was capable of establishing, as well as making concrete and palpable the great vocation that Revel Chion he had towards his work. His passion for medicine, his dedication to patients and his ability to face challenges with courage and determination are an example for all those who work in the healthcare sector.

The San Pietro Medical Center has decided to honor the memory of Dr. Revel Chion with a donation to the Lanzo Hospicewhere she was looked after with loving care until her last day. A gesture that testifies to gratitude and affection for a woman who dedicated her life to others.

“Just to remember our dear colleague – conclude the staff of the San Pietro Medical Center – aWe thought of making a donation to the Lanzo Hospice, where she was cared for and accompanied with loving care and attention until her last day! We therefore thank all the staff of the Lanzo Hospice and we will always keep the memory of OUR Renata alive in us.”

Dr. Revel Chion She will always be remembered with affection and gratitude by all who knew her.



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