“We were afraid, no one intervened” –

“We were afraid” of Moussa Sangare. “I told my husband and son to stay away from him. I’ve been reporting it for a year, I called the mayor, social workers and the police”, but “something has to happen here for someone to intervene”. Clotilda, who has lived under the Sangare family for seven years, vented to the journalists stationed outside the house in Suisio where the 31-year-old arrested for the murder of Sharon Verzeni lived. “At three in the morning I could hear the beatings, it seemed like the ceiling was coming down”, says the woman, describing Sangare as “a person with accumulated anger, who has evil in his subconscious. He wasn’t kind, he was out of his mind”.

I Saw Her and I Killed Her. Sharon Verzeni, the Killer's Confession

For this reason, the neighbor invites us not to pass off the murder of Sharon Verzeni “as a fit of rage, because he committed violence against his family.” The woman also reports that Sangare “set fire to his house. There was smoke.” And then “he was here stoned, I had to get over him. He entered” the ground floor house occupied after the complaint for mistreatment by his mother and sister “through the window. We found him here at three or four in the morning.” A situation that “everyone knew,” according to the woman, who observes that in Verzeni’s place “it could have been me or my son.”

Italian or not, that scoundrel Sangare shows us a bitter truth

#afraid #intervened #Tempo
2024-09-01 18:06:16



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