We spoke to the father of the young man who recently disappeared in Badajoz: “He was dehydrated, he hadn’t eaten for a long time and he didn’t know where he was”

Happy ending for the story of Alejandro Joaquín García, the 20-year-old who disappeared in Badajoz last Saturday, July 27. The boy took a train to Madrid, where he was located yesterday Thursday. At Onda Cero we were able to speak with his father, Gustavo, who gave us all the details of the incident.

Alejandro lives in Argentina, while his family has been living in Badajoz for 10 months. The young man was going through a bad time in his studies, “he was very discouraged emotionally,” says Gustavo. For this reason, his parents encouraged him to come to Spain on vacation and thus clear his mind.

However, last weekend, while his parents were spending a couple of days in Portugal, Alejandro decided to leave without a specific destination. “At the train station in Badajoz, when they asked him where he wanted to go, he said I don’t know. So he got on the first train, which was heading to Madrid,” adds his father.

The boy had been wandering around the capital, where his father went to look for him, since the Adonay Platform had provided information that placed the young man there. Thus, last Thursday, Alejandro sent his mother’s location from his own phone, accompanied by a message in which he indicated: “I don’t know how long I’m going to stay here.” Thanks to the fact that his father was already in the city, he was able to reach him quickly, finding him on Fuencarral Street. “He was in a rather complicated state, dehydrated, he hadn’t eaten for quite a while and he didn’t know where he was,” says Gustavo.

After that, they returned to Badajoz, where Alejandro is now resting with his family. Now, Gustavo says that they will seek medical help, and that once they confirm that everything is fine, it will be up to him to decide whether he stays in Spain or returns to Argentina, although he says that they would like him to stay in Spain.

His father is grateful for all the support and help received from the citizens of Badajoz, the media, the police and associations, especially the Adonay Platform. “They gave us the key information, without them I don’t know if we could be telling a happy ending today,” he concludes.



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