“We need a housing development project without land consumption” – Il Resto del Carlino

“A housing development project”. The proposal is by the lawyer Giuseppe Pagliani, leader of the Scandiano minority. The centre-right representative is in favour of the ‘Pact for Housing’ undertaken “last June by some municipalities in the Reggio Emilia ceramics district to incentivise the rental of properties that are currently vacant and available with some incentives put in place by the Region and the consequent reductions in IMU implemented by individual municipalities. This measure will encourage a few more rentals and a measure that helps the many who are looking for accommodation, even rented, at controlled conditions is welcome. However, this does not resolve the great housing problem that is being experienced today in Scandiano and in the ceramics district. From now on, we propose, both in Scandiano and in all the territories adhering to the Tresinaro Secchia Union, a great housing development project without occupying a single metre of green land more than that already occupied by a wrong urban development implemented by the centre-left local administrations in the last 25 years”. For Pagliani it is now necessary to recover areas that are completely abandoned and decommissioned, purchasing them through public tenders at favorable and controlled prices.

Pagliani then asks to proceed with the “demolition of existing abandoned buildings and to build public housing with the possibility of redemption of the ownership of the goods by young couples and all those who urgently need housing and do not have the economic means to go and buy the few goods offered by the market in Scandiano and in the entire territory of the Reggio ceramic district. This is for us a priority already discussed and proposed in the electoral program”.

m. b.



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