“We must stop arrogance in the wild” vs. “The president’s right to veto is self-righteousness” vicious circle[인사이드&인사이트]|Dong-A Ilbo

2023-05-01 18:00:00

The veto power that incites political hatred
Consciousness of the supporters of strong supporters, lack of political negotiating power due to solo legislative veto
The veto power of former presidents gradually diminishes… Concern rises once more amid the disappearance of ruling and opposition parties
Opposition, only political strife in confrontation without concessions… Only the people who ignore the public livelihood bill are harmed

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Correspondent Ahn Kyu-youngCorrespondent Ahn Kyu-young

“It is a sign that the ruling and opposition parties will once once more fall into the turmoil of ‘veto power politics’. Following the revision of the Grain Management Act, which President Yoon Seok-yeol vetoed for the first time last month, there is a prospect that he will not exercise his veto power on the enactment of the Nursing Act, which was forcibly passed by the opposition party in the extraordinary National Assembly in April. If the ‘Geo’ ignores the opposition of the ruling party and pushes through the bill, the ruling party immediately demands the president to exercise its veto, and both parties are abusing their last resort with the disappearance of negotiations. As the confrontation without concessions between the ruling and opposition parties is prolonged, it is pointed out that only the people are suffering in the end. Experts said, “The threshold of public opinion on both the opposition and opposition parties has reached its limit,” and “if this continues, there is a high possibility that both the opposition and opposition parties will be judged in the next general election.”

●No “President’s self-righteousness” vs.

The reason why the ruling and opposition parties risk confrontation at the brink of a cliff despite criticism of public opinion on the “veto power regime” is because both sides ultimately judge that it is a “business with greater gains than losses.”

The Democratic Party of Korea is a strategy to emphasize President Yoon’s “self-righteous” image by highlighting the president’s successive vetoes. A key Democratic Party official said, “The Democratic Party is trying to do something for the people’s livelihood, but the president will be seen as blocking it one following another.” In-hospital spokesperson Lee Su-jin said at the plenary session on the 27th of last month, the Nursing Act enactment bill was passed, and both special prosecutors, such as the ‘Daejang-dong 5 Billion Club’ and ‘Mr. ), he made a comment and said, “I hope that the power of the people will no longer deceive the people with irresponsibility of’proposing the presidential veto’.”

The reason why the Democratic Party continues to push through the bill like this is to appease the dissatisfaction of the strong supporters who say, “They created a majority of seats at best, but can’t they pass a single law?” Ahead of next year’s general elections, he intends to protect the ‘house rabbit’. A member of the leadership of the Democratic Party said, “We believe that among the reasons for the defeat of the Democratic Party in the last presidential and local elections was the dissatisfaction of supporters that the National Assembly failed to achieve legislative results even though it was a majority party.” I will make the most of the given authority and push for what the people want,” he said.

Against this, the power of the people is focusing on emphasizing the Democratic Party’s’legislative monopoly’ frame by demanding the exercise of the president’s inherent authority, the veto. Political critic Lee Jong-hoon said, “The power of the people is to highlight the fact that through the president’s exercise of veto power, ‘the Democratic Party knows that it will not be promulgated anyway, but irresponsibly passes only a bunch of laws’.”

In a commentary made right following the plenary session last month, Spokesman Yoon Hee-seok of People’s Power said, “If you open your mouth, you can no longer see the tyranny of pushing the bill with tricks and fouls, even though it is a ‘cooperation’.” Senior Spokesman Kang Min-guk also pointed out, “There is no public who is unaware that the Democratic Party is trying to destroy parliamentary democracy by taking the majority of seats hostage and diverting attention to the judicial risks of former and incumbent representatives.” However, there are quite a few voices pointing out the incompetence of the ruling party, which is being dragged along by the opposition party and proposing a veto to the president without exercising its political negotiating power.

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Logistics center, which was an investment place that laid golden eggs, decreased transactions due to a 30% increase in construction costs[인사이드&인사이트]

Ignoring public livelihood amid political strife that relies on extreme means

Experts feared that the prolonged veto power would eventually lead to the retreat of democracy. Somehow, a kind of ‘political process’ to come up with a balance through a process of compromise has disappeared. Choi Jin, director of the Institute for Presidential Leadership, said, “Originally, the presidential veto was a last resort to block problems in the legislative branch, but at some point it became like the president’s means of political response.” It is because it is handled by force.”

So far, former presidents have exercised a total of 66 vetoes, and the number of veto cases has tended to decrease as procedural democracy, such as the ‘separation of powers’, is established. The president who exercised the most vetoes in history was the first president Syngman Rhee, who exercised a total of 45 vetoes. Then, former President Roh Tae-woo followed suit seven times, former President Roh Moo-hyun exercised six times, and former President Park Chung-hee exercised five times. Former Presidents Lee Myung-bak and Park Geun-hye only exercised their veto power once and twice, respectively, and former President Moon Jae-in never used the right to veto.

Director Choi said, “It is true that as the representative democracy system matures, the use of extreme measures such as the exercise of the right to veto decreases.” ‘ It looks like he’s exercising his right of veto. There is no cooperation or politics to be found.”

Some point out that both the ruling and opposition parties amidst the disappearance of politics are inevitably lacking in legislative achievements for the livelihood of the people. As the structure of unconditional opposition to the policies put out by each other is that, in the end, they cannot take a single step forward.

In fact, when the government came up with a working hour reform plan that included flexible working hours, the Democratic Party immediately responded by taking out the “4.5-day work week” card. Even in the case of charter fraud that hit the country recently, the ruling and opposition parties continued their war of nerves for a while as they insisted on their respective plans, such as returning the rental deposit and claiming the right to indemnity following compensation.

Critic Lee Jong-hoon said, “In the end, are any of the recent policies or bills implemented properly, such as the government’s plan to reform working hours or the opposition party’s grain management law?”

● “All opposition parties will be judged”… ‘Third Zone’ Rise

For this reason, it is diagnosed that the more the confrontation between the ruling and opposition parties continues, the more people’s fatigue reaches its peak and only ‘political hatred’ prevails. Yoon Tae-gon, head of the political analysis office at The Moa, said, “Both parties are just meaningless ‘showing off their strength’ without public opinion.” They are carrying out a political offensive,” he said. As public opinion is also feeling the limit, there is a high possibility that both the ruling and opposition parties will be judged in the next general election.

According to a poll released by Gallup Korea on the 28th of last month, out of 1001 men and women over the age of 18 nationwide, 27% of non-partisan respondents answered that they do not support a political party. This is the background to which people say that the approval rating of the non-partisan ranks first in the general elections next year.

In the political world, the movement to build a third zone to absorb the shamans has also begun in earnest. Former lawmaker Tae-seop Geum, who left the Democratic Party, said in a recent interview with The Dong-A Ilbo that he would “create a new party before Chuseok.” Director Yoon said, “Currently, both the ruling and opposition parties are continuing a hardline confrontation looking at the extreme supporters, so there is no ‘buffer zone’ in the political world to absorb the shock. As a result, public opinion that wants moderate and moderate forces rather than both parties is increasing,” he explained.

It is also a matter of interest whether the newly formed ruling and opposition party leadership will be able to reflect such public opinion and end the confrontation phase and move toward a cooperative atmosphere. The Democratic Party’s new floor leader Park Kwang-on and People’s Power floor leader Yoon Jae-ok are classified as moderates and negotiators within the party.

In a phone call with the Dong-A Ilbo, Park said, “As floor leader Yoon presented the task of ‘restoring parliamentary politics,’ the floor leaders of the ruling and opposition parties are trying to strengthen communication so that the National Assembly can operate smoothly.” The Power of the People Jang Dong-hyuk, a spokesman for the floor, also commented on the election of floor leader Park, saying, “I hope that the election of floor leader Park, who has always been gentle and rational in his legislative activities, will serve as an opportunity to restore parliamentaryism in our National Assembly and restore the relationship between the ruling and opposition parties.” expressed hope.

Ahn Kyu-young, political reporter kyu0@donga.com

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