We Music: Romina Power: age, surgery, new boyfriend, work, Albano. Everything about the singer

Romina Power is an American singer, actress, painter, writer. Everything you need to know about her.

Born in 1951 Romina Francesca Power was born on October 2 in Los Angeles, California under the star sign of Libra. The daughter of two Hollywood actors, she soon realized that the world of entertainment would be a source of satisfaction for her. In fact, she decided to cultivate her aptitude for cinema and made her debut on the big screen at a very young age. In 1964, at just 13 years old, he made his cinema debut and made 14 films.

In 1967 during the filming of Musicarello In the Sun knows Al Bano Carrisi who then becomes the man of her life. In 1970 they married and after four months their firstborn was born, Ylenia. Then the Yari, Cristel and Romina Junior. Following the tragic death of their eldest daughter in 1993, the singer and Romina had problems that led to real crises which then led them to separation.

Romina Power: surgery, new boyfriend, work: everything about the singer

In 2012 they made the divorce. Following the breakup, the Cellino San Marco singer found love again alongside Loredana Lecciso while Romina preferred to dedicate herself to her passions: travel, nature, reading. It would seem that she is currently single, although there are no certainties about this as she is particularly reserved.

Romina Power: age, surgery, new boyfriend, work, Albano (Source @verissimo) wemusic.it

Romina is very followed on social media where she enjoys staying in touch with her followers. Many people ask her for advice every day because they consider her an example of strength and awareness. There are many who then compliment her on her extraordinary physical shape. There are those who have also hypothesized that he resorted to the help of someone touch up, as he is always in great shape. In reality the actress and singer has never used it. She takes care of herself, following a healthy lifestyle and the results are evident.

He carefully chooses the foods to bring to his table, regularly practices healthy and constant physical activity and also takes care of his psychological well-being by immersing himself in nature. Romina is a strong and resolute woman, but also sensitive and empathetic, which is why she has a visceral relationship with animals, with the environment and with everything that makes her soul vibrate strongly. Many respect her and consider her an example of determination and courage.



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