We live in historic times, like 1967

On the current and rapid developments in the Middle East and what is expected to happen from now on, Dimitris Kairides, former minister, ND MP and Professor of International Relations, spoke on the First Program.

Speaking to ERT, he said: “I believe that the view has been established in Israel that it is now or never and that we are living in a historical moment, like 1967. Corresponding. I want our listeners to understand a little bit what I’m saying. In 1967 we had a war of attrition between Israel and Egypt in previous years, with Israel finally taking the initiative and in a lightning strike, the famous six-day war, knocking Nasser’s Egypt out of the game and defeating, it humiliates Arab nationalism (…)”.

And then he pointed out: “Iran is weak today. And it is weak, mainly because there is a big gap between the Iranian people and the regime because of the economic pressure, the economic crisis. The average Iranian does not want a war for the sake of Hezbollah, the Palestinians. All this is far from the anxieties, the interests. So, Netanyahu sees that he has a dormant America that cannot take the lead and play the role of restraint because Biden has an election and all he can do is support Israel in order not to have an internal political issue. We know the power of the pro-Israel lobby. So, now the next 30 to 40 days is a golden opportunity for Israel. So, I think they now believe in the Netanyahu government to end the problem that is Iran. To strike its nuclear program and in any case to destabilize, if possible, the regime itself, the Iranian one, by striking oil installations, creating further economic suffocation that may even lead to the overthrow of the mullahs”.

While he ended by noting characteristically: “As you can see, these are historic moments but also very dangerous. We’re talking about ignition here now, aren’t we? Because Iran too – despite its weakening – has buttons to press and possibilities to shed blood. Therefore, we have entered a very difficult period where America cannot play the role we knew, the stabilizing one (…)”.

#live #historic #times



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