we have selected 4 reasons to evoke this forgotten vegetable

Parsnip is a root vegetable that looks like a white carrot. It is part of the Apiaceae family, which also includes carrot, celery, fennel and parsley. Parsnips are native to Europe and Asia, but are now grown all over the world. The root is the part of the plant that is eaten, and it can be cooked in many different ways.

Parsnips are often overshadowed by carrots, but these white vegetables are actually super nutritious and deserve a place in your diet! Here are some reasons to start eating parsnips

  1. Parsnips are the arm of a healthy digestive system.

Parsnips are a type of root vegetable that is often overlooked in favor of more popular options like carrots and potatoes. Yet parsnips contain a unique blend of nutrients that can provide many benefits for the digestive system. First, parsnips are a good source of dietary fiber, which helps build up stool and promotes regularity. Second, parsnips contain a type of soluble fiber similar to apples: pectin. This powerful fiber acts as an appetite suppressant and helps increase the amount of water in the intestine and reduce the risk of constipation. Third, parsnips are one of the few natural sources of inulin, a type of soluble fiber that supports gut health. Inulin has been shown to increase the growth of beneficial bacteria and help prevent constipation.

Obviously, its high content of vitamins and minerals contributes to the health of the intestinal wall and to the protection once morest inflammation. Therefore, including parsnips in your diet can be an effective way to maintain a healthy digestive system.

  1. Parsnip has protective and antioxidant properties.

Although often overshadowed by more flashy vegetables, the humble parsnip is a powerful food that deserves attention. In addition to supporting your digestive system, parsnips contain a number of compounds that may have protective and antioxidant effects.

For example, parsnips are a rich source of quercetin, a flavonoid with powerful antioxidant activity. Quercetin has been shown to scavenge harmful free radicals and protect cells from damage. It also has high levels of folic acid, an essential nutrient for pregnant women that has been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease and certain types of cancer. A study found that parsnip extract was able to inhibit the growth of colon cancer cells in vitro. Additionally, another study showed that parsnip extract was able to scavenge free radicals and prevent oxidative damage in human cells. Its protective and antioxidant properties have proven that parsnips are worth adding to your diet.

  1. Parsnips can help regulate blood sugar levels.

Parsnips are a good source of fibre, vitamins and minerals. It also contains compounds that can help regulate blood sugar levels. Do you remember the famous inulin soluble fiber that helps keep your digestive system healthy? Well ! It has been shown to play an important role in regulating blood sugar.

In a study of healthy adults, participants who ate parsnip soup before a meal had lower blood sugar levels following the meal than those who ate no soup. Researchers have demonstrated that inulin is a soluble fiber that is not broken down by the body’s digestive enzymes. Instead, it passes through the digestive tract unchanged, acting as a prebiotic that helps feed beneficial bacteria in the gut. In addition, the researchers concluded that inulin helps regulate blood sugar by slowing the absorption of glucose in the intestine. And that’s not all ! Through this process, parsnip is also able to increase insulin sensitivity and help reduce inflammation. These effects may help improve blood sugar control in people with type 2 diabetes.

  1. Parsnip provides protection for heart health.

Since we know what the rich composition of parsnips is capable of. Another advantage is added to the list. Besides being a good source of fibre, parsnips contain vitamin C, magnesium and potassium. It also contains lutein and zeaxanthin, two antioxidants that have been linked to eye health.

But perhaps most impressively, parsnips have been shown to protect heart health. One study found that people who ate three or more servings of parsnips a week had a significantly lower risk of heart disease than those who ate less. The exact mechanism by which parsnip provides this protection is linked to its antioxidant properties. So, what are you waiting for? Add this nutritious vegetable to your meals and you might guarantee perfect heart, gut, immune and blood sugar health.

* Presse Santé strives to transmit health knowledge in a language accessible to all. In NO CASE, the information given can not replace the opinion of a health professional.



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