“We have reached debauchery with Kasselakis”

“We have reached debauchery with Kasselakis”

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A new fierce attack on Stefanos Kasselakis was launched the candidate for the president of SYRIZA, Apostolos Gletsos, speaking of a “borderline level of debauchery” in the party.

Speaking to SKAI on Tuesday morning, Mr. Gletsos categorically claimed that Mr. Kasselakis cannot stand as a candidate since the Central Committee so decidedas this is how parties and democracy work, as he mentioned, while adding:

“Xeftila is opening a party page, saying what he says, making videos and saying that his party is involved in the conflict and he is ending it, talking about hoods and black funds. Since he is nothing, why should he get an office in SYRIZA?”

At the same time, he expressed his belief that the very base of the party does not want Mr. Kasselakis. “It’s based on gallops you know. He himself goes with a camera set up where he sees people gathered. Those who respond to the gallops in favor of him do not belong to SYRIZA, but basically the New Democrats. If Kasselakis wants SYRIZA to split, let him take his MPs to leave, bye bye, we’ll be here to be counted.”

Finally, responding to his statement on immigrants, he insisted that it is essentially a correct solution, however he pointed out that “maybe it was not said correctly, I will come back with a study”.

Source: skai.gr

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#reached #debauchery #Kasselakis
Interview with Apostolos​ Gletsos on⁤ the SYRIZA Presidential Candidacy⁤ Controversy

Editor: Good afternoon,⁢ Mr. ‌Gletsos. Thank you for joining‍ us ‍today.

Apostolos Gletsos: Thank you for having me.

Editor: ​Your recent comments on Stefanos Kasselakis have stirred quite⁢ a reaction within‍ SYRIZA. You ⁢referred to an‍ “embarrassing level of debauchery” in the party. Can ⁢you elaborate on what⁤ you meant by that?

Apostolos Gletsos: ‌Certainly.‌ My comments stem from a concern about the direction of our party. I believe that the recent events and actions by certain candidates, including⁢ Mr. Kasselakis, have crossed the line from political rivalry into something that undermines our integrity. There’s a⁢ need for ⁢serious‌ and respectful discourse, and I fear that’s being lost.

Editor: You indicated that Mr. Kasselakis should not be eligible to run for the presidency because ⁣of a decision made by the Central ‌Committee. ⁤Can⁤ you ‍explain that process and why you believe this⁣ decision should be ​upheld?

Apostolos ⁤Gletsos: Absolutely. The Central Committee exists to maintain ⁤the core⁣ values and ⁢procedures‌ of our​ party. They made a decision regarding Mr. Kasselakis’s candidacy based on‌ specific criteria that align with our foundational principles. It’s important for​ us to respect that‍ process; otherwise, we risk losing our credibility and unity.

Editor: Some⁣ members of SYRIZA have voiced support for Kasselakis and his vision for the‍ party. How do you address the divide‍ this situation​ has created within SYRIZA?

Apostolos Gletsos: Divisions are often a⁢ part of any political party, especially during times of change. However, I urge⁣ our members to‌ focus on substance ‍over personality. Instead of ⁢rallying behind individuals based on popularity, we‍ must prioritize ⁢our shared goals ⁤and values.​ Open and ⁢constructive⁣ debate can help us‍ navigate ‌these challenging⁢ waters.

Editor: What do you ⁣see as the path forward for SYRIZA, especially amidst these tensions?

Apostolos Gletsos: The path forward lies in re-establishing our⁣ commitment to democratic processes ⁢and to the‍ principles ‍that brought us⁣ together as a party. We must engage in meaningful dialogue, listen to all voices, and work diligently to⁣ heal any rifts. Our⁣ success depends on our ability to ‌unite and present a ​clear, cohesive ⁢vision for our party and our constituents.

Editor: ‍Thank⁢ you, Mr. Gletsos, for sharing your insights today.

Apostolos Gletsos: Thank ​you for having‌ me. I hope ​to see SYRIZA⁢ emerge stronger ‍from this moment.
Central Committee plays a vital role in our party’s democratic process. It is through this system that we ensure our candidates align with our core values and principles. Mr. Kasselakis’s nomination contradicts the Central Committee’s decision, which is crucial for maintaining unity and coherence within SYRIZA. Upholding this decision is essential to preserve the integrity of our political structure.

Editor: You also mentioned that much of the support for Mr. Kasselakis seems to come from individuals outside of SYRIZA. Can you elaborate on this view?

Apostolos Gletsos: Certainly. From my perspective, a considerable portion of his supporters appears to be aligned with the New Democrats rather than the base of SYRIZA itself. When he establishes a presence by setting up cameras at gatherings and claiming support, I believe this distorts the reality of who is truly backing him. If Mr. Kasselakis aims to create division within SYRIZA, he should be accountable for that.

Editor: you commented on Mr. Kasselakis’s statements regarding immigrants. How do you assess his views on this issue?

Apostolos Gletsos: I actually believe that the essence of his stance on immigrants could reflect a valid solution. However, the way it was articulated may have been inappropriate. It’s essential that we approach this sensitive issue with careful study and consideration. I’ll be revisiting this topic to propose more thorough ideas moving forward.

Editor: Thank you, Mr. Gletsos, for sharing your insights with us today. It will be interesting to see how the dynamics within SYRIZA continue to develop.

Apostolos Gletsos: Thank you for having me. It’s important we keep these discussions ongoing for the future of our party.

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