“We have plenty of evidence that this is a false story all over the world” – German doctors on COVID-19

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  • Facts : More than 500 German doctors and scientists have signed up as representatives of an organization called the “Corona Extra-Parliamentary Investigative Committee” to investigate what is happening on our planet with regard to COVID-19.
  • Let’s ask the question : Why are so many professionals and experts in the field censored, ridiculed and blocked by organizations like the WHO? Shouldn’t we have the right to review information in an open, free and transparent way?

Is this article “fake news”? No, because the statement in the title that says ” we have a lot of evidence that this is a fake story all over the world is an actual quote from a representative of the band discussed in the article. The statement has been said. Whether what the quote says is true or not, on the other hand, is up to you or according to several governments, it is up to the World Health Organization (WHO) to decide. Is the title misleading or inaccurate? No, again, this is a direct quote and it represents the opinion of several medical professionals. Are these medical professionals implying that COVID-19 is a fake virus? No, they’re just implying that it’s not as dangerous as claimed, and I’ve summarized some of that information below that leads them to that conclusion.

These doctors and scientists are heavily censored on all social media platforms, and those who write about them are going through the same thing. Many of these doctors’ claims have been “debunked” by the mainstream media, federal health regulatory agencies and “fact-checkers” patrolling the internet. Any information not sourced from (WHO) is not believed to be reliable, true or accurate, and this includes information presented in this article and information shared by these experts in the field. People are encouraged to visit the WHO website for real and accurate information about COVID-19 instead of listening to doctors and scientists who oppose these health authorities’ narrative.

What happened : More than 500 German physicians and scientists have registered as representatives of an organization called ” Extra-parliamentary Corona investigation committee ». Extra-parliamentary Corona investigation committee means « Extra-parliamentary Corona Inquiry Committee and was created to investigate everything related to the new coronavirus, such as the severity of the virus, and whether or not the measures taken by governments around the world, and in this case the German government, are justified and do not cause no more harm than good.

As an extra-parliamentary Corona Committee of Inquiry, we will examine why these restrictive measures have been imposed on us in our country in the context of COVID-19, why people are suffering now and if there is proportionality of the measures in the face of this disease caused by the SARS-COV-2 virus. We seriously doubt that these measures are proportionate. This needs to be looked at, and as neither the parliaments – neither the opposition parties nor the ruling parties – have convened a committee and it is not even planned, it is high time we took this up. We will invite and hear from experts here in the Corona Speaker Group. They are experts in all areas of life: medicine, social affairs, law, economics and many others. (1)

You can access the full English transcripts on these organizations’ websites if you are interested. (2)

This group gave several conferences in Germany. In one of the most recent, Dr. Heiko Schöning, one of the organization’s leaders, said: « We have a lot of evidence that it (the novel coronavirus) is a fake story all over the world. To put things into context, he wasn’t referring to the fake virus, just the fact that it’s no more dangerous than the seasonal flu (or just as dangerous) and there’s no justification measures taken to combat it.

I also think it is important to mention that a report (3) published in the British Medical Journal suggested that quarantine measures in the UK in the wake of the novel coronavirus may have already killed more older British people than coronavirus during the peak of the virus.

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A press conference held by representatives of the group was held in July 2020.

Why is this important? It may be confusing for many people to see that so many doctors and many of the world’s most renowned scientists and infectious disease experts oppose so much information from the WHO and world governments.

Many scientists and doctors in North America are also expressing the same sentiments. For example, The Physicians For Informed Consent (PIC) recently published a report titled “Physicians for Informed Consent (PIC) Compare COVID-19 to Previous Pandemic or Seasonal Influenzas. According to them, the infection/mortality rate of COVID-19 is 0.26%. You can read more about it and access their resources and reasoning here. (4)

John PA Ioannidisa professor of medicine and epidemiology at Stanford University, said the death rate from infection “ is close to 0%” for people under the age of 45. You can find out more ici. He and several other Stanford School of Medicine scholars suggest that COVID-19 has a similar infection fatality rate to seasonal flu and published their reasoning in a study in July 2020. You can find that study and in read more about this story here. (5)

Michael Levitta biophysicist and professor of structural biology at Stanford University criticized the WHO as well as Facebook for censoring different information and informed perspectives regarding the coronavirus and claimed that, with regard to the lockdown measures, that ” the level of stupidity persists here is unbelievable “. You can find out more here. (6)

The Dr Sucharit Bhakdispecialist in microbiology and one of the most cited scientific researchers in German history, is also part of the extraparliamentary Corona Inquiry Committee mentioned above and also expressed the same thing, several times at the start of the pandemic till today.

The implementation of the current draconian measures which are so extremely restrictive of fundamental rights can only be justified if there is reason to fear that a truly, exceptionally dangerous virus threatens us. Is there any scientifically sound data to support this claim regarding COVID-19? I say the answer is simply no. – Bhakdi. You can read more about him here (7)

Here are some interesting statistics from Canada. (8)

To conclude

We have to wonder why so many experts in the field are completely censored. Why is there so much information being shared that completely contradicts the rhetoric of our federal health regulatory agencies and organizations like the WHO? Why are these experts being heavily censored and why are alternative media platforms being censored, punished and demonetized for sharing such information? Is there a battle for our understanding right now? Is our conscience manipulated? Why is there so much conflicting information if everything is crystal clear? Why are alternative treatments that have shown huge success completely ignored and ridiculed? What is going on here and what is the power of governments when they are able to silence the voices of so many people? Shouldn’t we review information openly, transparently and together?

References :

  1. https://acu2020.org/english-versions/
  2. https://acu2020.org/
  3. https://www.bmj.com/content/369/bmj.m1931
  4. https://www.collective-evolution.com/2020/07/23/physicians-find-the-infection-fatality-rate-of-covid-19-to-be-0-26-percent/
  5. https://www.collective-evolution.com/2020/07/10/covid-19-for-people-younger-than-45-the-infection-fatality-rate-is-almost-0-stanford-professor/
  6. https://www.collective-evolution.com/2020/07/01/the-level-of-stupidity-going-on-here-is-amazing-nobel-laureate-for-science-on-covid-19-lockdown/
  7. https://www.collective-evolution.com/2020/03/30/renowned-microbiology-specialist-on-why-he-believes-coronavirus-measures-are-draconian-video/
  8. https://www.facebook.com/randy.hillier/photos/a.190310250979319/3646397655370544/

Source : www.collective-evolution.com

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