We faced bad treatment in Turkey, and if we stayed longer, we would be among the dead • Al Marsad Newspaper

Al-Marsad newspaper: Muhammad al-Abbasi, one of the victims of the “Turkish Rize” accident, revealed the details of the accident that he and 23 others were exposed to and dealt with poorly without taking into account their health condition.

Al-Abbasi said, during an interview with Al-Ekhbarba channel, that the bus contained 23 people from one family, and the driver was surprised by the heat of the brakes, so he put cold water on it, then the bus stem and lost control of the brakes and the accident occurred, pointing out that the driver is the one who bears the responsibility as they warned him of He put water on the brakes but did not respond to them.

He explained that the medical service inside the Turkish hospital was not good, and there was no quick response to them when they asked for anything. He added, “It is possible for the patient to die or pass out due to lack of good ventilation.”

On the difference between medical care in Turkey and Saudi Arabia, he said: “A difference between heaven and earth, and we thank God for the blessing of Saudi Arabia and the blessing of security and safety, and for all the blessings in the Kingdom.”

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