«We do not share the reversal of Profits»

2023-12-20 01:49:59

After the meeting this afternoon with President Javier Milei, the governor of Neuquén, Rolando Figueravisited some media in Buenos Aires and although he considered that the meeting with the president “was very positive,” he questioned the reversal of the income tax since it “has a strong impact” on the workers of Patagonia.

In dialogue with Eduardo Feinmann on the LN+ channel, Figueroa highlighted the conclave held this Tuesday at the Casa Rosada and announced that the President committed to forming «a technical team» to analyze the economic relationship between the provinces and the Nation.

Also, the provincial leader said that Milei reiterated that his intention is to “hold more meetings” of this type with the governors.

Later, interviewed by Esteban Trebucq on A24, he maintained that it is «optimistic» about the future of the country and asked «pay attention to those most in need» in the context of high inflation and economic crisis. Regarding the role of the State, he believed that “sort it» and, above all, «eliminate the intermediaries» in social aid.

Asked about his main concern after the interview with the president, Figueroa mentioned around Earnings in workers in the fourth category, which the Government has in its portfolio and is supported by some governors to recover resources.

«At least to the Patagonians, We are concerned about the reversal of the Income Tax as it is, we don’t share it. We receive very little when they distribute that tax to us and It has a strong impact on the population of Patagonia because we have higher incomes» due to climatic adversities and distances, he stated.

When asked if his position then was the same as that expressed by the Peronist governors, he clarified that “it is not that we share what is one or the other,” but that “we have a very provincial spirit«.

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Figueroa pointed out against withholdings on hydrocarbons and the brakes on public works

In another passage of the report, Figuera also questionsor the application of withholdings to the gas and oil industryof special relevance in Neuquén due to the development of Vaca Muerta, although it did not specify whether this measure was proposed by Milei.

He stated that the collection of a withholding from the hydrocarbon sector «It is for Argentina to shoot itself in the feet“, since, he stressed, “it is the only thing that is producing dollars freely” and can stabilize the balance of payments.

Regarding the end, he maintained that the brake on public works announced by the President and the Minister of Economy Luis Caputo «it hurts us a lot“, because “deep inside, if the State does not appear, these works will not be done.”

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