We dived in the canals of Bruges and frankly the water was nice and not as disgusting as Paris: we explain when and how this summer

2024-08-10 07:38:14

©City of Bruges

Yes, you’re not dreaming: swimmers are splashing around in the lazy waters of the canal. The city government once again temporarily authorizes adventurers to take a dip in one of the waters in Venice of the North. The pontoon has been installed with ladders and toilets. The editorial team was put to the test and took the plunge.

To be honest…she’s fine

With all the frustrations and Olympic controversies over pollution of the Seine and Paris city waters, it’s impossible not to feel apprehensive before swimming in the city center. Of course Bruges is not the city of light. But still…

Jo 2024: When swimmers complain about thorns in the Seine, ‘we go as far as we can, we stick together, we hit the wall’

At first glance, the color of Bruges’ water hardly inspires confidence. Despite the sunlight, the canal takes on a murky opacity between dark gray and dark green. But looking at the ten swimmers, we took a deep breath and started. No dive started. step by stepthrough a small ladder on a wooden platform.

Haha, it’s still ok, she’s very nice“, we say to ourselves as soon as our first toes are submerged. Come on, let’s get started. We leave the ladder and here we are, completely immersed in the water of Belgium’s most photographed canal. On the shore, It was also fun for the surprised tourists to watch the swimmers and take photos of us.

Seal spotted in Bruges canal

The swimming area is demarcated by lane cables and is not large. But enough to do some breaststroke lengths. Be careful, and it’s better to know: you won’t have a foothold. According to the city government, the depth is 2.5 meters. Of course, we wanted to know what trash was at the bottom of the canal. But hey, fully diving into the depths of Bruges is still a step we almost dare not take…

As in Paris, testing is a must: the Bruges municipality ensures monitoring and prohibits swimming if the water quality is poor.

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Free before September 1st without reservation

After your lap, head to the showers. Small independent cabins have been installed. The same goes for the dressing rooms: wooden cubicles. Please note that eating and drinking is prohibited in the swimming area and on the pontoon, where some lounge chairs have been installed.

Embankments along the Ghent-Brugge canal collapse due to bad weather

In fact, swimming is free and no reservation is required. Located in Predikherenrei, the space is supervised by lifeguards and is open every day until September 1st from 1pm to 8pm. The leisure area is 40 meters and the sports area is 70 meters. There is a small pool built on the pontoon. During the summer, the hotel hosts free activities including yoga and water polo.

Same thing in Antwerp on Sunday

This summer, Antwerp followed suit. From Sunday to September 15, from 12 noon to 5 pm, you can take a dip in the body of water in front of the iconic Museum aan de Stroom. Swimming is free, but reservations are required. Here too, the port city ensures that water quality is controlled and swimming is prohibited when the water quality is poor.

Swimming next to Antwerp Mas
©City of Antwerp

A campaign tested by Mayor Bart De Wever in the name of families himself : “Swimming in the Bonaparte Docks: every Antwerp resident’s dream”, the federation coach commented on Instagram, shirtless.

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