We declared that we do not want the votes of the extreme right – 2024-04-26 21:37:04

War of announcements between ND and SYRIZA on the occasion of the “out of line” statements of SYRIZA MEP candidate Vassilis Kasselakis who said that the votes of the Spartans are welcome.

ND, through its representative Nikos Romanou, said that in a normal party, Mr. Vassilis Kasselakis would have already been deleted, adding, however, that “a normal party (including SYRIZA) would also submit a memorandum to the Supreme Court on time and would not play the ridiculous theater we saw the day before yesterday.”

SYRIZA reacted and in a statement states that: “It is provocative that the ND points the finger at SYRIZA for relations with the Far Right. The party that has a vice president from LAOS. The party that has as number 2 in Megaros Maximos the “axeman” Makis Voridis. The party that presented Eleonora Meletis as a candidate for the European Parliament with glory and honors, who washed away the fascist Chrysaugitis, condemned as the leader of a criminal organization with her television interview”.

In the announcement, SYRIZA claims that “the ND of Kyriakos Mitsotakis and Akrodexia are communicating containers”.

And he concludes: “Unfortunately for ND, we all know each other well in this place. Let us add that only the President of SYRIZA stated directly and unequivocally that we do NOT want the votes of far-right formations. Does Mr. Mitsotakis dare to say the same? We challenge him…”

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