“We can’t even count” the dead in Boutcha, testifies a chaplain

The entire kyiv region is liberated, according to the Ukrainian authorities. But as these territories are reconquered, the abuses and war crimes of Russian soldiers are increasingly evident. In Boutcha, northwest of kyiv, the authorities, overwhelmed by the number of victims, were forced to bury them in mass graves.

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Northwest of Kyiv, in Boutcha, bodies litter the streets. More than a month following the launch of the russian invasionthe localities of‘”Irpin, Boutcha, Gostomel and the whole Kyiv region were liberated from the invader”, Ukrainian authorities announced on Saturday. But at what cost ? President Volodymyr Zelensky discusses on Facebook “a total disaster and many dangers”.

From the capital, in the center of the territory, to Chernobyl in the north, the Ukrainian army is advancing village by village, a slow and cautious progression, in devastated areas. For the moment, 287 dead have been identified in Boucha and buried in three mass graves, two of which were dug around two churches, explains the mayor, Anatoly Fedorouk. Corn “there is a lot more” than 300 dead, assures Anatoli Kushnirchuk, chaplain and in charge of the burial of the bodies. Like its neighbor Irpin, the town was the scene of fierce fighting and is unrecognizable.

“You can’t even imagine how many civilians are dead. The bodies are in the streets. We can’t even count them anymore.”

Anatoli Kushnirchuk, chaplain at Boutcha

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“Several of these corpses are in cellars or in places where Russian terrorists threw grenades. But we haven’t taken care of them yet”, continues the chaplain darkly. “The priority now is the corpses in the streets”, he observes. And these bodies are very damaged. “Many of these bodies were mined by the Russians. There are also men with their hands tied, they were shot in the neck”. Anatoli Kushnirchuk quickly ends the conversation by calling for help.

“I need body bags, respirators and thick rubber gloves. The bags must be able to support a weight of 70 to 150 kilos.”

Anatoli Kushnirchuk

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Further south in Irpin, silence has reigned since the fighting stopped four days ago. Mortar shells are still planted in the macadam. Burnt Russian tanks are blocking some roads, part of the market has been shelled and most of the buildings have been hit. There are still a few inhabitants, mostly elderly people, who have not been able or wanted to leave. They spent more than a month locked up in shelters or cellars.



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