We can protest in the plenary session of Congress with Saharawi flags

Madrid, March 22 (EFE).- Deputies of United We Can have displayed several flags of Western Sahara in the middle of the Congress as a demonstration of the “firm” support of their formation for the self-determination of the Saharawi people within the framework of the United Nations and before a delegation of Saharawis that has been invited by the purple formation to the hemicycle.

In the presence of the delegate in Spain of the Polisario Front, Abdullah Arabi, and other Saharawi leaders in the guest gallery of the Congress, the deputy of United We Can Sofia Castañón has conveyed the “firm commitment of United We Can and the Confederal group with Western Sahara” .

“It is a matter of historical responsibility, coherence and memory and I say this because 47 years ago there were representatives of the Saharawi people in this Chamber, who were left to owe the fair process of decolonization that only 17 territories in the whole world they have not been fulfilled. One of them is our responsibility and it is our shame,” Castañón stressed.

The deputy has made it clear that Podemos is disassociating itself from the turn taken by the Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, in the face of the Western Sahara conflict with Morocco and has recalled the words of a Saharawi poet who affirms that “the land is not theirs and the people are not theirs and the stones need to be free”.

“Our group defends here and now the legitimate right of the people to a referendum on self-determination recognized by the United Nations,” he settled, while several deputies such as the secretary general of the Confederal group, Txema Guijarro, or the president of the United We Can , Jaume Asens, stood up to applaud the guests on the platform.

At that time, these deputies, together with others from the purple formation, displayed the flag of Western Sahara as well as Saharawi symbols, which have also received applause from deputies from ERC, EH Bildu and the Cup.

The president of the Congress, Meritxell Batet, had to call the deputies to order so that they put away the flags and subsequently reminded the Chamber that in the hemicycle “arguments are exhibited and freedom of expression is manifested with the use of the word “.

“I ask you to refrain from displaying symbols of any kind, or posters,” he urged parliamentarians.

In the speaking time of the deputy of Vox Macarena Olona, ​​who today has gone up to the rostrum dressed in a military jacket that read “Everything for the homeland”, he ironically pointed to a “very revolutionary” Podemos displaying its flags “and has urged them to bring down the Executive.

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“Who was a member of the Government of Spain to be able to resign and bring down the Government that has unilaterally modified Spain’s position on Western Sahara”, he pointed out.

Also in the Senate, the senator from Compromís Carles Mulet and several of his colleagues from the group of the Confederal Left have displayed the posters in favor of a “free Sahara” following the Valencian parliamentarian branded the President of the Government as a “traitor” for support Morocco.

Mulet took advantage of a question in the control session on the rise in prices addressed to the first vice president, Nadia Calviño, to bring up Sánchez’s turn regarding the Sahara by having supported Morocco’s proposal to grant autonomy to this territory to resolve a conflict that has lasted half a century.

“Algeria is going to respond forcefully, we imagine, to the betrayal of Sánchez and the PSOE,” said the senator to the Minister of Economy, before whom he has attacked the chief executive insisting on this same argument.

Thus, he has blurted out that “whoever betrays his government partners, whoever betrays his investiture partners, whoever betrays his electorate, whoever betrays his electoral program, whoever betrays international legality and international resolutions and his own promises, can only have one name.

And he has conclusively concluded: “We understand that a traitor cannot be president of the Spanish State and for that we do not invest him.”

He has continued accusing Pedro Sánchez of having become a “hostage” of the “Moroccan regime” and the Government of “paying homage” to the King of Morocco Mohamed VI instead of “caring for Spanish families and industries”, so he has asked him return to “international legality” and “the dictates of the UN”.

At the end of his question, Mulet proclaimed “today, tomorrow and always, despite the PSOE, free Sahara”, and at that moment he displayed a poster with the Saharawi flag and the expression “Free Sahara”.

The same that other senators have shown such as Vicenç Vidal (Més per Mallorca), Koldo Martínez (Geroa Bai) and Pilar González (Adelante Andalucía), while Pablo Perpinyà (Más Madrid), has shown a flag of the SADR (Arab Republic Democratic Saharawi). EFE

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