“We belong to God and to Him we shall return.” Death mourns the artist, Hamid Al Shaeri

The artist, Hamid Al-Shaeri, revealed a short while ago, the death of his aunt, through his personal account on the social networking site “Facebook.” Al-Shaeri commented through his post, saying: “We belong to God and to Him we shall return.. The death of my aunt and my second mother.. Karima Muhammad Othman. paradise”.

Hamid Al Shaeri

The death of the aunt of the artist, Hamid Al-Shaeri

It is noteworthy that Hamid Al-Shaeri has recently revived some of the concerts, the last of which was the day before yesterday in one of the famous places, and that he was scheduled to arrive tomorrow and the day following tomorrow, as a guest on the “Secret Ink” program with the media, Asma Ibrahim, on the channel screen. Cairo and people”

The beginning of the artist, Hamid Al Shaeri

It is worth noting that the artist Hamid Al-Shaeri was at the beginning of his artistic journey an amateur, as he was used to holding concerts in the city of Benghazi, but in the last third of the seventies, the artist Hamid Al-Shaeri joined the Libyan radio band as a keyboardist, but his joining the radio team did not last long, as Hamid left Al-Shaeri team because of strong differences in viewpoints between the two parties, and it is mentioned that Hamid Al-Shaeri had also participated in the establishment of a singing group under the name Sons of Africa that includes a number of African and Arab singers, but the team did not last.

Study by Hamid Al-Shaeri

It should be noted that Hamid was a student at the Aviation Institute, where his father sent him to complete his studies in Britain. There, he rented hours in English studios in order to record his first musical and lyrical works. The artist, Hamid Al Shaeri, also dealt with the most important producers, namely Thabet and Kamal Alma, the owners of Sonar Company, through which Hamid presented his first lyrical and musical works following a period of moving to Egypt, especially to the city of Alexandria, where his father and his relatives from the mother’s side settled, but his father refused his son’s work in the musical field.

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