we attended the filming of Sophie Davant’s ”Duel des brocantes” at the Puces du Canal

“Are they really buying? “And how long does the shooting last?” “Is she nice Sophie Davant? And Caroline? If you were at the Puces du Canal on Sunday September 11, you already have the answer to these questions: yes, more than 5 hours, yes and yes.

The team of the very popular auction show Deal done from France 2, presented by Sophie Davant, posed its cameras in Villeurbanne for the filming, in public (many visitors), a special “Duel des brocantes”. The previous week, she was at the big Lille sale. The principle: duos of buyers (known from the show and one of anonymous, passionate bargain hunters) compete in the aisles and must find objects on a theme (here, an 18th century object and a sculpture) in an allotted time. They will then present them on the set, where they will be estimated and then put up for sale: the winning pair will be the one with the best price and the most…

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