We are in a period of reformatting the Mexican dialogue

Caracas.- The executive vice president, Delcy Rodríguez, stated at the Social Dialogue Forum where the Executive is meeting with the representation of the International Labor Organization (ILO) that in Venezuela “There is no need to discuss Collective Bargaining because we are on the side of the workers” , in response to a query from the trade union center, CTV.

Rodríguez affirmed that the pandemic left “a more precarious world in terms of work, where capital multiplied by 10.”

He assured that in the countries the trend is that, with less collective bargaining, capital grows more: “a trend of 1.4 out of 10”.

He presented graphs on the decrease in unionized workers in the world, from 20.9 in the 90s to 15% in 2020.

He explained that “In the 1980s, the initiative for the Americas, collective bargaining had to adapt to what was outlined by Washington, then real wages and the gap began to expand, the capital sectors began to appropriate the surplus value. This is inequality (…)
He said that in Venezuela “the right to collective bargaining is fundamental, it makes a difference with other countries.”

In this regard, it indicated that the right to collective bargaining and the obligation to hold it were established in article 66 of the Organic Labor Law. This connection is important because it allows freedom of association and economic growth.

The vice president emphasized that the authorities are in a period of reformatting the dialogue in Mexico “to include more sectors, so that all national life feels included and expressed in these dialogue mechanisms.”

“The word social dialogue appeals to a very important aspect of national life, which is the need for Venezuelans to meet in diversity, with respect, with tolerance,” he said.

Until April 28, the Forum will be held with the participation of trade union organizations, employers, the national government, with the support of the ILO.

It is worth mentioning that during the forum, there were more than 120 representatives of trade union associations, workers and businessmen who participated with the aim of evaluating everything related to ILO conventions.

Damage of the sanctions imposed by the US on Venezuela

Rodríguez mentioned that the blockade imposed by the United States government has prevented growth and development in vital sectors for the Venezuelan economy.

He explained that sectors such as: transportation, health, oil and food have been seriously affected since the US government began with the sanctions policies against the Bolivarian country.

In this sense, the executive vice president added: “The same High Commissioner for Human Rights for the United Nations, Michelle Bachelet, has condemned the blockade against Venezuela for the negative and perverse impact it has had on all sectors of the country, without exception. , public and private”.

Likewise, Rodríguez explained that there are more than 500 coercive, unilateral, and punitive measures that have been imposed against Venezuela; Measures that, according to him, have violated human rights, depriving the population of access to food, health, housing, and the different programs of social missions and large missions that have been established in Venezuela by the national government.

Vice President of Venezuela urges the ILO to investigate the economy of blocked countries

Rodríguez exhorted the Commission of the International Labor Organization (ILO) to carry out a line of investigation in the blocked countries, in order to know how it has affected their economy.

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“I would ask you for a line of research on the economy of the blocked countries that are more than 30 countries. What happens to the workers in those countries, how do the blockades affect the workers and employers of those countries?” Said the vice president during the Social Dialogue Forum of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, quoted AVN.

Rodríguez also added that the Tripartite Social Dialogue, issued by the ILO, would help the countries that are blocked to mitigate, reduce and deepen the resilience capacity of their nation.

He also assured that the blockades affect the economy of a country and highlighted that “an example of this has been Venezuela, in 2008 where the income of 65 thousand 607 million dollars was obtained, in the year 2013 52 thousand 609 million dollars and in 2020, as a result of the blockade, only 743 million dollars,” he said.

Finally, he pointed out that despite the conflicts caused by the blockades, Venezuela has met the millennium goal, being recognized for its education, food and housing programs.Caracas, 25 Apr. AVN.- The Vice President of the Republic, Delcy Rodríguez, urged the Commission of the International Labor Organization (ILO) to carry out a line of investigation in the blocked countries, in order to know how it has affected their economy.

“I would ask you for a line of research on the economy of the blocked countries that are more than 30 countries. What happens to the workers in those countries, how do the blockades affect the workers and employers of those countries?” Said the vice president during the Social Dialogue Forum of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

Rodríguez also added that the Tripartite Social Dialogue, issued by the ILO, would help the countries that are blocked to mitigate, reduce and deepen the resilience capacity of their nation.

He also assured that the blockades affect the economy of a country and highlighted that “an example of this has been Venezuela, in 2008 where the income of 65 thousand 607 million dollars was obtained, in the year 2013 52 thousand 609 million dollars and in 2020, as a result of the blockade, only 743 million dollars,” he said.

Finally, he pointed out that despite the conflicts caused by the blockades, Venezuela has met the millennium goal, being recognized for its education, food and housing programs.

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