“We are always relegated to the rank of small hands”

On this special midwifery day on France Bleu on the occasion of the preview of the film “Sage Homme”, word to two midwives from the regional maternity hospital of Nancy. Happy to see their profession highlighted in this way.

They are both midwives Nancy Regional Maternity. One for 26 years, she is now coordinator of the natal and post-natal health service. The other for 17 years. Murielle Onzatti and Marie Daguindau are delighted with the preview release (national release on March 15) of the film “Sage Homme” by Jennifer Devoldere, with Karin Viard and Melvin Boomer. The story of a young man who wants to become a midwife.

“Karin Viard plays her role very well!”

The 1h45 film was entirely shot in Nancy in October 2021 at the CHRU de Brabois and in the premises of the science faculty. Marie Daguindau is one of the extras. “I can’t wait to see the movie!”, she says. From the shoot, she keeps “An excellent memory, great encounters with the actors. They try to be as close as possible to reality and they asked us, as midwives, to ask our opinion. Karin Viard plays her role very very well A wonderful midwife, who has character, listens and has a big heart.”

In the cell phone of Marie Daguindau, extra, a souvenir photo with Karine Viard… © Radio France
Isabelle Baudriller
… and with Melvin Boomer, the “Wise Man” of the film © Radio France
Isabelle Baudriller

“I don’t know if I will be seen in the film”continues Mary. “In any case, I want to see my colleagues and the result, how midwifery comes out of this film.”

A profession-passion but who still lacks recognition according to her. Sentiment shared by Murielle Onzatti. She is happy that midwives are featured on the big screen. “We are always a little relegated to the rank of small hands”she regrets. “There are fewer and fewer gynecologists, so a large part of gyneco-medicine is going to midwives. It’s not very well known to the general public, it’s not very shared by the whole medical community. , I find, and it’s not valued financially.”

“We are a small corporation”

“We still have plenty of women who tell us: I didn’t know that midwives could take smears, could take care of contraception, menopause, pre-menopause. We are a small corporation, we is a women’s profession for women. Perhaps that is also where our difficulties lie.”

And Murielle adds: “There, the fact that we talk about our profession is really a plus for us”. The regional maternity hospital in Nancy has 80 midwives and only women! 2,900 babies were born there in 2022.

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