Ways to Increase Testosterone Levels in Men Without Medication

“A testosterone level below 12 nmol/L is called hypogonadism,” he says. “A reliable assessment method, such as liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, is essential to diagnose this condition. It is important to get enough sleep the night before the test and to perform it on an empty stomach.”

The specialist points out that identifying the factors causing testosterone deficiency allows the problem to be solved without medication.

He says: “If a man is overweight, he should exercise to lose weight. He should also make adjustments to his diet to exclude high-calorie foods, i.e. exclude fats and simple carbohydrates, and increase the percentage of vegetables and fruits.”

The Harvard Plate principle can be a guide to a balanced diet: half vegetables and fruits, a quarter healthy carbohydrates, and the other quarter protein (lean meats, fish, and legumes).

“Moderate physical activity is essential to maintaining normal testosterone levels,” he says. “Strength training can boost concentration for a short time, but the effect of this factor declines with age. Intense exercise, weight loss, and low body fat can also lead to the development of hypogonadism.”

According to him, it has been proven that chronic stress lowers the concentration of testosterone in the blood, and conversely, acute stress raises it.

“Good and regular sleep plays a major role in maintaining normal testosterone levels. Scientific studies have shown that going to bed after midnight and getting less than 7 hours of sleep can lead to a decrease in its concentration. This is observed in men who work night shifts as well as those who go to bed after midnight,” he says.

Source: gazeta.ru

#Ways #Increase #Testosterone #Levels #Men #Medication
2024-08-22 16:03:10



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