Ways to eliminate health product waste

2024-09-02 08:55:41


Posted yesterday at 4:11 pm, updated 2 hours ago

Every year, tons of unused medicines (MNU) are collected from 21,000 community pharmacies for incineration. bukhta79/stock.adobe.com

Figaro Rodman – Millions of euros of unused medicines and medical equipment are thrown away every month. The shame of times of shortage.

« Another full bag, one brought back to me. This is the twentieth bag in less than a week. For millions of people, this could be life-changing. I throw the box, I throw the box. In a video played on YouTube, pharmacist Julien Sfeir expresses his anger at the waste of medicines drug There is background music « electronic urban pop music ”. The day before writing this article, which has had more than 100,000 views, he remembered a patient reporting to him ” Ten boxes of insulin (80 euros each, editor’s note) never been opened ”. He was forced to throw them into cyclamen containers in order to collect and burn them, just as the apothecary was ordered to do.

“I like the message he wants to convey », « this is my daily life », « Thank you for watching this extremely honest video », Can we read in the comments below the video? Musical Roar meets…

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